Chapter 23: Mall?

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A/N: Sorry for updating late! I'm busy and tired but I still want to update because I live this book and the feedback I get! 😭💜 Also this Taekook picture is making me uwu so hard!


The boys all slowly woke up at around 8:00 in the morning. Jin and Namjoon got up first because Jin insisted on making breakfast for everyone. Namjoon also insisted on helping Jin, because his poor boyfriend ended up doing most of the cooking. The two made french toast, and the cinnamon and syrup smell wafting through the house woke up the rest of them.

Tae opened his eyes, feeling warmth right next to him. He was lying on Jungkook's chest, the two's hands and legs intertwined. Tae blushed as he picked his head up sleepily and gave a small yawn.

"Kookie.. It's morning," Tae mumbled as he poked the older's cheek. The older groaned as he squirmed a little. Tae couldn't help but find the alpha cute.

"Come on Kookie..," Tae mumbled again. Jungkook just groaned and squirmed more. Tae sighed, about to give up when he realized what to do. He bent down to the older and gave him a small peck on the lips.

The older's eyes flung open as Tae pulled back and smiled innocently.

"Morning Kookie!"

Jungkook just blinked as he sat up, the younger now in his lap. He smiled sleepily at the cute boy sitting on him.

"Hey Tae."

Tae's stomach grumbled. The younger blushed as he made eye contact with Jungkook. They both started laughing.

"I'm hungry!" Tae laughed.

"I know, I heard your stomach," Jungkook poked the boy's belly, a giggle coming from the younger.

Yoongi, Hoseok, and Jimin all slowly woke up, their eyes still closed as they yawned.

"Hurry up and eat before me and Joon take them all!" Jin yelled from the kitchen.

Everyone immediately ran to the kitchen and stacked french toast on their plates, drowning the french toast in syrup. Everyone ate breakfast extremely fast.

"Jin you are so good at cooking," Jimin replied happily as he rubbed his full tummy.

"Aww thanks Jiminie!" Jin pinched Jimin's cheek with a laugh.

Everyone was quiet for a minute before Yoongi spoke.

"So what are we gonna do today? I don't wanna sit around all day again," Yoongi grumbled.

"Wow really? You actually want to do something other than sleep?" Namjoon asked sarcastically.

Yoongi rolled his eyes.

"Let's go shopping! At the mall! I really need some new clothes and i'm running out of eyeliner," Tae clapped his hands excitedly.

Jimin and Jin nodded their heads in agreement, happily bouncing up and down.

The alpha's on the other hand just sighed.

"I don't want to go shopping. So boring," Jungkook mumbled.

Tae opened his eyes wide and pouted.

"Please Kookie? I can give you a fashion show?" Tae pleaded, staring into the older's eyes.

Shit. It's too cute, I can't help it.

"Alright, alright. We can go shopping," the younger's cheered as the alphas sighed again, although they laughed at how whipped Jungkook was for his boyfriend.

"I'm gonna change into something comfy before we go! Be right back," Tae skipped up the stairs, Jin and Jimin following behind him going to get dressed too. The alphas also decided to get dressed so they all headed upstairs.

The omegas all had black leggings and comfy sweaters. Tae's was purple, Jimin's was blue, and Jin's was pink. They all had matching chokers as well.

The alphas all had black skinny jeans on and different shirts. Jungkook was wearing a red hoodie and a black beanie. Hoseok was wearing a yellow hoodie and had sunglasses. Yoongi had a short sleeve black shirt on and a black baseball hat. Namjoon had a sleeveless tan tank top and sunglasses.

The boys all hopped into Namjoon's van, and drove off to the mall to go shopping.

A/N: Sorry this chapter is so short! I might do shorter chapters because I feel like the story is moving too fast. Also i'm running out of things for the boys to do lol. Anyways, sorry for the late update! I hope this short chapter was okay! See you in the next chapter! I purple you! 💜

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