Chapter 2: Dress To Impress

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A/N: Back again with another chapter! Mild trigger warning (If you're not okay with crossdressing at least ><) Enjoy!


When the three omegas finally made it back to their house, Tae ran up the stairs sniffling with Jin and Jimin close behind. Tae sat on his fluffy white bed in his purple walled room, the two omegas sitting on either side of him. The lavender painted walls and birch wood floor matched perfectly. Tae's bed was on the left wall facing his walk in closet. He had a white desk to the right of his closet with a mirror on top. The little makeup he owned neatly organized on top of his dresser with a picture of him and his friends. There was a large glass window on the north wall, and fairy lights hung from the ceiling.

"Tae, please tell us what happened. We hate seeing you so upset," Jin patted Tae's back as Tae dried his wet cheeks with his sweater sleeve.

"W-well, Jungkook pulled me i-into the bathroom and p-pinned me against the wall," Tae stuttered, still sniffling. "And then he s-stole my f-first kiss," Tae hugged his knees to his chest.

Jimin looked at Jin with a sad expression. They knew Tae was strong- but seeing how something like this made him break down crying made them worried.

Jimin wandered through his thoughts for a moment. What could we do to make Tae feel better? What would cheer him up? And as Jimin thought that, Jin looked at him- his eyes wide. It was almost like they were sharing a brain.

"Hey Tae," Jimin poked Tae's cheek. Tae looked up pouting, his face was dry now, and he wasn't sniffling anymore. "I think we should try that thing you wanted us to do with you... What was it again?"

Tae's eyes lit up with pleasure. "You want to try crossdressing with me?" He put his hands on Jimin's shoulders. Jimin nodded, his eyes smiling as much as his lips did.

Tae immediately jumped off the bed and ran around in circles before hugging his two best friends.

"Alright we get that you're happy! Now, let's get dressed to impress!" Jin laughed happily.

Tae bounced to his closet, opened the door, and started digging through the boxes lining the floor inside. With a grunt Tae revealed a large box with the words "For TaeTae, Chim, and Jinnie only!!" written on it in big black letters.

"Okay you guys pick your clothes first, and i'll make an outfit out of whatever's leftover!" Tae clapped his hands excitedly placing the box on his bed.

The box was filled with clothes from shirts to pants, and skirts to boots. Jin picked up a pale pink sweater with the shoulder cut out on one side. Definitely wearing this. Jin thought to himself with a smile. He also found a pair of white ripped skinny jeans with lace in the rips. And finally, he chose a pair of black sneakers and a rose quartz necklace to complete the look.

"Think these will go okay together?" Jin held the sweater and pants next to each other, showing the other two omegas.

Tae and Jimin looked at each other for a moment, making Jin a bit nervous until they both jumped up.

"You are going to look so good!" Jimin screamed with excitement.

"Gosh you're going to put me and Jimin's looks to shame!" Tae squealed.

Jin just laughed, relieved that his friends thought he had some fashion sense.

Jimin now looked into the box and pulled out a pair of grey leggings with little yellow lemons on them. Cute! Now I just need a matching shirt... He pondered digging through the box. Aha! Jimin pulled out a short sleeved white t-shirt that had a large lemon printed on the bottom left corner of it. He nodded in approval as he looked for some last minute accessories. He pulled out a lemon hair clip, a grey leather jacket, and a pair of grey converse. Jimin looked at the other two omegas and tilted his head.

"Good or bad?" and the other two just stared.

"You are slaying that outfit already, and you haven't even put it on!" Tae pretended to faint onto the bed with a laugh from all three of them.

"Seriously that suits you! Definitely an amazing outfit," Jin nodded in approval.

Finally it was Tae's turn. He dug through the box and saw what was left. He pulled out a pair of high waisted black shorts and a light blue long sleeved t-shirt that was silky smooth. To finish he chose navy colored combat boots and a choker necklace with a small blue gem on it.

"Is this a fail or does it seem okay?" Tae already knew what Jin and Jimin were going to answer.

"Bitch-" Jimin couldn't even finish his sentence. Tae laughed as he turned to Jin.

"One word- fabulous," Jin snapped his fingers sassily as he nodded.

With all of their outfits being picked out, they all got dressed and looked in the mirror.

"Let me add just one more touch," Tae said as he applied a little blush and a little eyeliner to the three of them. He nodded as he fixed his hair.

"Okay now what should we do? We aren't helping anyone by hiding how great we look," Jin struck a pose, flipping his short hair.

"That's true! We should go somewhere!" Jimin agreed with Jin as he bounced around excitedly.

Tae thought for a moment before it hit him.

"MALL," was all Tae had to say before the three of them were out of the house and almost running down the street.

"Alright, Café Cream, Queen Couture, or any one of the many clothing stores first?" Tae asked the other two as they approached the mall entrance.

"Definitely Queen Couture- it's almost like that store was made for me," Jin laughed.

"Well we can go to QC, but I think we should get something to eat and drink first," Jimin pointed to his left where Café Cream was.

"You do make a good point," Jin pondered.

"Alright well since we're already here let's just get something!" Tae exclaimed holding hands with his friends as they walked into the Café.

Little did they know, four alphas had spotted the three walking into the café hand in hand.


A/N: Hi again! (/^-^)/ I know this chapter was kinda short (well compared to my first chapter because this one is only 1000 words lmao). Trust me- the next chapter might end up being long with all the stuff coming up. I was going to try to put the next chapters content into this one, but I would end up not being able to stop writing.. ~(-.-~) Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I will definitely be updating again tomorrow! (\^-^/) I purple you!

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