Chapter 19: Party Time

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A/N: Hey everyone! I'm sorry I didn't update yesterday, I'm trying out the new schedule. Idk if I like it yet, I liked updating every day so we'll see how it goes! This chapter has some fluff, and a little mild smut (I can't even really call it that it's so mild.)


Tae rubbed his eyes as he woke up with a yawn. He stretched his arms above his head and stood up. He saw that Jin and Jimin were already up, quietly talking with each other.

"Morning," Tae said with a sleepy smile.

Jin and Jimin turned to face Tae.

"Morning bed head!" Jimin laughed as he stood up and ruffled Tae's hair. Tae let out a soft chuckle as Jin stood up too.

"What were you guys talking about?" Tae asked as he fixed his hair.

"Just about the party tonight. I don't know if i'm excited or nervous. The alphas are so random you can't tell what they're thinking," Jimin sighed as he shook his head with a small smile.

"Unless they're smirking at you. Then you can tell what their thinking," Jin said and they all laughed.

"Too true," Jimin laughed as a small growl was heard. They all looked in the direction of the noise- Jin.

"I'm hungry, sorry," Jin blushed with a small laugh. They all smiled and decided to go downstairs and grab something to eat.

Tae looked at his phone and saw that it was 9:00 in the morning. He had time to sleep in a little bit since it was a Saturday.

Tae sat on a bar stool at the kitchen counter and Jimin sat next to him. Jin went into the kitchen to look around for something to make breakfast with. Tae stretched again, revealing his belly button as his pink, silky, long sleeved pajama shirt slightly pulled up with his arms. He also had a pair of black shorts that went about mid thigh. He normally didn't sleep with heavy clothes on so he could use more blankets because he liked to cuddle at night. He used to sleep with a giant bear, but as he got older the bear became smaller and smaller compared to him. Sometimes he had trouble sleeping at night without anything to hold on to.

"It's pretty cold down here," Jimin wrapped his arms around his chest as he shivered slightly.

"I know. But I found stuff to make pancakes so if you eat them hot, it'll warm you up!" Jin exclaimed as he pulled out prepackaged pancake mix, milk, and eggs. He also got out a pan to cook the pancakes in, turning on the stove and placing the pan on top. He quickly mixed everything together in a bowl, and soon enough he was quickly making pancakes. Two at a time, the plate the finished pancakes were going on was getting full.

Jin pushed the plate with the pancakes on it towards the two, along with some maple syrup and butter he had found after digging through the fridge.

"Thanks Jin!" Tae and Jimin thanked in unison.

Jin smiled. "Just leave some for me, okay?"

The two laughed while nodding, pancakes already in their mouths.

With the smell of pancakes wafting through the house, the alphas came down with their noses in the air.

"Pancakes," Namjoon said happily as he went into the kitchen and wrapped his arms around Jin's waist. Jin blushed as he placed two more pancakes on another plate.

"Hey Jinnie," Namjoon said, giving the omega a kiss on the cheek. Jin smiled, a little embarrassed.

"H-hi Joon."

Namjoon chuckled at how cute his boyfriend was before taking some pancakes for himself and stuffing them in his mouth.

"Yah, so good Jinnie. Thanks babe."

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