Chapter 27: Date Night

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A/N: Namjin is my otp wrecker (my otp is Taekook) so i'm excited for this chapter! It's pretty fluffy though, so get your UwU's ready!


A week after Yoongi and Hoseok made up, the group was getting along happily again. Taehyung had gradually accepted his feelings for the older, and as much as he hated to admit it, he was happy with Jungkook. Yoongi and Hoseok always let Jimin be included in everything they did; he was the reason they were together after all. Yes, Yoongi and Hoseok started dating too. Jimin wasn't necessarily jealous, just a bit lonely, but was thankful that the alpha couple included him. Namjoon and Jin had been doing well too, but both were so busy lately that they ended up not seeing each other a lot outside of school and meal time. While they did sleep in the same bed, it wasn't enough. They were asleep after all, not awake and doing stuff together. Both of them were feeing sad, and were worried their relationship was going to fall apart.

Namjoon loved Jin, and Jin loved Namjoon. So the older definitely didn't want to lose Jin. He planned to ask Jin out on a date that night, and take him to a fancy restaurant. He also planned to take him to a fancy hotel on the beach so they could have some "alone" time.

"Namjoon what are you doing?~ Come back and cuddle with me~," Jin whined from the couch where he was waiting for Namjoon. Tae and Jungkook had gone out to the store to buy groceries for their house; the omegas moved into the alpha's house because it was so much bigger. Yoongi, Hoseok, and Jimin all went to the mall to go shopping. That left Jin and Namjoon alone.

Namjoon had finished his hair and made sure he looked and smelled good. He walked out of the hallway bathroom and sat down next to Jin, pulling the alpha onto his lap.

"Jinnie, I have to ask you something," Namjoon rested his head on the younger's shoulder.

Jin was blushing, his face red as a strawberry. He always blushed every time Namjoon flirted with him. It was like he fell in love with the alpha every time he saw him.

"W-what is it?" Jin stuttered, making Namjoon smirk as he watched his boyfriend get flustered.

"I wanted to ask you out on a date tonight."

Jin blushed harder as he turned to face Namjoon. He had a huge excited smile on his face and his eyes were sparkling.

"Really? A date?"

Namjoon laughed at his cute boyfriend.

"Yes, a date. But if you want to go, I suggest you go get changed."

Jin nodded happily as he ran to Namjoon's room, which they shared, to get dressed.

Namjoon was already dressed, wearing grey skinny jeans and a black dress shirt that was tight on the alpha's chest, revealing his chiseled  pecs. He was wearing white sneakers and had decided to gel his hair back.

Jin thought Namjoon looked really sexy, so he tried to make himself look more handsome than he already was for his boyfriend. If that was possible. He put on some high waisted white shorts and a black crop top. He slipped on a choker and black fishnets that went under his shorts. He finished the look with eye makeup and pink boots. Fluffing his hair, he walked down stairs confidently. Although his confidence broke when Namjoon started eye fucking him. Jin blushed as he walked over to his boyfriend and held his hand.

"Let's go Joonie!" Jin kissed the older's cheek and they both got in Namjoon's van, smiling excitedly.

A/N: Short chapter but that's because i'll probably make their date night into a few parts. I'll also update again tomorrow! See you in the next chapter! I purple you! 💜

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