Chapter 3: Caught

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A/N: Sorry for the late update, I tend to write this before going to sleep because I find that to be the most comfortable for me for some reason! Anyways, some mild smut ahead. Enjoy!


"I'll take a small caramel iced coffee with extra whipped cream," Tae told the barista at the Cream Café.

"I'll have one of those too," Jimin also told the barista.

"A small hot chocolate with a white chocolate chip cookie please," Jin lastly told the barista.

The barista nodded and told them the price, while Tae handed her fifteen dollars.

"Keep the extra dollar as a tip!" Tae smiles at her. The barista smiled back as she began to make their orders.

The three omegas went and found a small square table by the wall opposite of the counter where you order. They loved this café because of how warm and cozy everything felt. They also enjoyed everything they served from coffee to cookies.

As the three omegas talked, they heard the barista yell that their orders were almost ready. Jimin decide to go wait at the counter for their drinks and Jin's cookie. As he was waiting there Jin and Tae talked.

"I never knew you had such great fashion taste- I mean you always wear the best clothes from the best brands but still,"

"Thanks Jin! And it's all because of my favorite brand Gucci, which is obviously the royalty of clothing brands," Tae said being somewhat sarcastic. "But seriously I really do like Gucci."

Jin just laughed. "I do like Gucci. But I honestly don't care about the brand as long as I like the clothes, and I look good in it."

They both finished talking as Jimin came back to their table with their orders. Jimin gave everyone their drinks, and Jin his cookie. But Tae who was on the table opposite of the two omegas just stared in shock.

"Is this not your order?" Jimin questioned until Tae was looking behind him at the door of the café. It was none other than Jeon Jungkook, Jung Hoseok, Kim Namjoon, and Min Yoongi.

"Uh oh," Jin slid down in his seat a bit. All four alphas started walking over to their table.

"Hey pretty little omegas~" Hoseok said with a mischievous smile.

"Didn't know you could pull off girly clothes," Namjoon stared at Jin in particular. Jin turned away flustered and a bit scared.

Jungkook stood behind Tae's chair, and leaned his head down to next to Tae's ear.

"You know, I think I like how you pull off those shorts," the alpha whispered as he grabbed Tae's thigh. Tae jumped a bit and immediately slapped the alphas hand.

"Ooh not a good choice to hit an alpha, little omega," Hoseok said picking up Jimin by the torso.

"H-hey! Let me go!" Jimin's face flushed light pink as he flailed his arms.

"Feisty~" Hoseok nodded looking at Yoongi. "Let's go Yoongi."

Yoongi and Hoseok walked off dragging Jimin who turned around looking at Tae and Jin scared.

"Jimin! Tell your friends to let him go!" Tae stood up and stared at Jungkook. The alpha laughed.

"Nah I dont feel like it," the alpha teased chuckling. There was nothing else to do but run after Jimin, who was being dragged further into the mall. Tae jumped up and ran as fast as he could, following his friends strawberry scent. But footsteps could be heard behind him, and he knew it was the pesky alpha. Nonetheless, he continued running. He saw Hoseok take Jimin into what looked like a supply closet of some sorts. Yoongi was standing outside the door sucking on a lollipop. He seemed to be watching guard for Hoseok. But Tae was snapped out of his thoughts by a hand grabbing his shoulder and spinning him around.

"Well look at that, running off and being disrespectful again. What am I going to do with you? I think you need to be punished," Jungkook stared at Tae, his eyes glowing red. Taehyung gulped as he backed up. But he soon bumped into the wall behind him and was trapped. Jungkook picked up Taehyung and threw him over his shoulder.

"Hey! Where are you taking me? I want to be put down!" Tae slammed his fists into the alphas back.

"You'll be put down as soon as we get there little omega."

Meanwhile, Jin was still at the café after watching Tae run off. Jin would have run too if his legs hadn't turned into jello. Namjoon seemed to find Jin cute as he just sat there watching Tae run after Jimin.

"You know, now that we're alone, wanna do something?" Namjoon sat next to Jin, pushing Jin who was still in his chair, up against the wall.

"N-no i'm good."

Namjoon laughed. "Funny you thought I was asking," he grabbed Jin and pulled him outside of the café and through the building until they reached the back entrance of the mall.

Jin had struggled and tried his hardest to escape, but the alphas grip was insanely strong. When they got to the parking lot behind the mall, there was only one car- a black van. Namjoon dragged Jin to the van and swung the back doors open. He threw Jin in and to his surprise, he landed on a soft mattress.

Namjoon closed the doors behind him as he got in the van too. Jin looked at the alpha, who had started to take his shirt off. Jin gulped.

"W-what are you doing?" Jin asked, his face flushed.

The alpha only smiled as he climbed on top of Jin.

"I'm working on making you mine. Tell me how I do okay?" Namjoon winked and smashed his lips onto Jin's. Jin was surprised by this even though he had a feeling it was coming. The alpha stuck his tongue in Jin's mouth, causing small moans from the omega. Namjoon bit Jin's lower lip slightly before breaking the kiss and moving to his neck. Joon started sucking on Jin's neck.

"A-ah," Jin gasped, embarrassed that his body was reacting this way. Joon seemed to like Jin's reactions as he came up looking at the dark red hickey he had left on Jin's collarbone. He stared at it proud.

"I think that's all i'll do for now," Joon sat down pulling the omega into his lap. "I would rather tease you for right now and wait until you beg for me." Jin blushed as he covered his face. Why is my heart thumping so loud?

Setting Change To The Supply Closet

"Now that I have you all to myself, let's get started shall we?" Hoseok took his shirt off, slipping the omegas pants off soon after.

"W-wait! I-" but before Jimin could resist anymore, the alphas lips were already connected to Jimin's puffy pink lips. Jimin moaned into the kiss as Hoseok slowly moved his tongue into the omegas mouth. He parted with Jimin's lips and smirked.

"You know, for someone who was resisting a minute ago you sure did seem to like that," the alpha put his thumb and pointer finger on Jimin's chin, lifting it up. Jimin's face was a bright red, his member hard. Of course Hoseok saw this, and with a smirk turned around. "I think that's all i'll do. See ya~" but just as the alpha had planned, he heard a small "wait" from the omega. He turned around to see Jimin looking at him.

"At least h-help me get rid of t-this," the omega stuttered. Hoseok walked back over to Jimin.

"Well, if you insist."


A/N: So interesting chapter maybe? I was going to keep writing until I realized I had written 1200 words already. So I decided to tease everyone with a smexy cliffhanger lol! See you tomorrow in the next chapter! (P.S. If you are wondering what happened to the omegas food, let's just say the barista decide to keep it for herself. I mean, how do you work at a café without getting hungry am I right?)

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