Chapter 30: Mate

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A/N: Sorry for the late update! I haven't been feeling well! But now it's Taekook time!

A/N: Sorry for the late update! I haven't been feeling well! But now it's Taekook time!

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"This cereal Kookie?" Tae asked, picking up a box of banana flavored cereal.

Jungkook walked over to where Tae was. They had gone to the grocery that night to get food for the house, and Tae was making sure that he got his boyfriend's favorite cereal.

"Yeah, that cereal," Jungkook wrapped one arm around the younger's waist, feeling the heat emit from Tae's blushing cheeks.

"O-okay," Tae put the cereal in the shopping cart they were using as Jungkook put some chips and cookies inside the carriage.

Tae shot a look at his boyfriend.

"What? I need junk food."

Tae rolled his eyes with a chuckle.

"Fine. But you're paying for it," Tae walked off to another aisle, bringing the cart with him.

Jungkook shrugged as he went to the cold food and drink section. He needed more of his favorite banana milk.

As he looked through the cold area he spotted a large yellow box.

"Yes!" Jungkook ran over to where the yellow box was, and saw that it was a cardboard container with tons of banana milks in it. He quickly pulled out the box and went to find Tae and the cart.

Jungkook started to get nervous the second time he looked through the store.

"Tae where are you?" Jungkook quietly said under his breath. There weren't a lot of people in the store at this time of night, which made Jungkook think he would find Tae faster in the quiet store. Apparently he was wrong.


Jungkook stopped in his tracks, dropping the box of banana milks on the floor by accident. He had heard a faint yell that sounded exactly like Tae. He ran to the front of the store as fast as he could, gaining the attention of the few people shopping.

"Tae!" Jungkook yelled as he burst outside.

"K-Kookie h-," Tae's voice was cut off abruptly.

Jungkook had at least heard what direction Tae was in. His alpha instincts kicked into high gear as he ran around to the side of the store.

There he saw Tae on his knees, mouth covered by a cloth and hands pulled behind his back. Three other younger males were there, all reeking of alcohol and cigarettes. Jungkook could tell by the threes underlying scents that they too were alpha's.

Tae tried to talk, but the male holding his hands back gave him a kick in the side.

Jungkook was furious. His eyes started glowing red as he gave out a deep growl.

The three males laughed.

"Why are you so upset big boy?" one of the alphas said with a chuckle.

"Wanted to play the hero? Save this sad excuse of an omega?" Jungkook walked up to the males, trying to grab Tae. The other three alpha's quickly shoved Tae behind them as they pushed Jungkook away.

"Oh, did you want this one? He isn't marked yet though, so I thought i'd take him for myself," the biggest alpha, the one holding Tae down laughed. He seemed to be the leader of the little group.

Jungkook couldn't stand it anymore.

"Give him back," he growled out, anger lacing his voice.

The leader alpha laughed.

"Nah. Like I said, I want him for my-," but the alpha got cut off as Jungkook slammed his fist into his jaw. The alpha winced as he let go of Tae, clutching his face.

Jungkook helped Tae up and took the cloth off his mouth. The other two alphas stared angrily at Jungkook.

"Get him you fucking idiots!" the leader alpha yelled out at the two alphas. They both nodded and lunged at Jungkook. Jungkook swiftly moved him and Tae out of the way, causing the two alphas to punch each other in the stomach. They fell to the ground in pain, groaning.

The leader alpha growled as he got up and walked back over to Jungkook.

"You messed with the wrong alpha," the leader threatened.

Jungkook chuckled.

"Did I? Because everyone knows it's illegal to steal someone else's marked mate."

The leader alpha looked at Jungkook.

"He's not marked, you stupid-," Jungkook just smiled.

"Are you sure about that?"

Jungkook pulled Tae in front of him and bared his fangs. He quickly sunk his teeth into the nape of the omega's neck, marking him. Tae moaned out a little, from pain and pleasure. Jungkook pulled his fangs out, licking the blood from marking Tae. The omega blushed as he turned around, tears in his eyes.

The alphas all looked scared as they ran away like little kids.

He looked back down at Tae, who was staring at him with teary eyes.

"Tae, please don't cry. I'm so sorry, I was only trying to protect you-,"

"Finally," Tae said, a smile forming on his face. "Finally you marked me! We're mates now!"

Jungkook flashed his bunny smile at the cute younger, planting a kiss on his forehead.

"If you told me sooner I would have marked you," Jungkook smiled fondly at Tae.

The younger gave out a shy giggle. "I was too embarrassed."

They stood there hugging each other, finally becoming mates as the both of them had wanted to do for so long.

"I think I spilled a whole box of banana milk in the store.. We should go pay for it and get the food we need," Jungkook nervously smiled at Tae.

Tae pouted cutely. "Fine. But let's shop quickly."

Jungkook rubbed his boyfriends head as they walked back into the store.

A/N: I liked this chapter a lot! Taekook are mates now! (Also I have banana flavored cereal, it's a thing. Don't @ me, :3) Hope this made up for the lack of updates! I'll probably update tomorrow too! See you in the next chapter! I purple you! 💜

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