Chapter 25: The Truth Comes Out

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A/N: A late update because I can't seem to keep a schedule! Hope it's good! Be prepared for angst and drama!


The next day, all the boys woke up early, got dressed and went to school. They met up at their lockers and talked before heading to their classes like usual.

The one class they all had together was gym. They had gym last period which was nice because they didn't have to spend the whole school day sweaty.

They all met up in the gym locker room a few minutes earlier than the rest of their classmates.

"We got here so early, and I don't even like this damn class," Tae pouted as he pulled his pants off and grabbed his gym shorts. Tae, Jimin, and Jin all had girls uniforms because they said the boys ones didn't suit them. They weren't wrong, the girls uniforms suited them much better than the boys. Mostly because the shorts were half the length of the boys uniforms and it showed off their tan, milky thighs.

Jungkook smiled as he looked at his adorable boyfriend.

"It's fine. I'll just carry you on my back again babe," Jungkook gave Tae a quick peck on the lips, causing the younger to blush as he gave a shy nod. Jungkook just laughed as he got his own uniform on.

The locker room door swung open, revealing the rest of the class and their gym teacher. The other boys started changing as the teacher cleared his throat.

"Remember you have to leave quickly since there isn't anything after class today like usual. Don't want anyone getting locked in here this afternoon," the gym teacher said in a gruff voice before nodding and walking out of the locker room.

The boys just shrugged as they finished changing, and headed out to the gym.

"Alright start with three laps around the perimeter of the gym," the teacher blew his whistle as the boys started running. Tae immediately jumped on Jungkook's back, and was giggling happily as the older ran.

"What are you giggling about?" Jungkook panted in between breaths.

"Just thinking about how you're still faster than the rest of these hoes even with me on your back," Tae giggled again, kissing the older's head.

Jungkook blushed slightly, smiling.

"Taehyung! Jungkook! Quit flirting!" the gym teacher yelled as the two boys laughed.

In a few minutes, everyone had finished running. They ended up playing dodgeball, and anyone who tried to hit Tae was pummeled with dodgeballs by Jungkook.

"Aish!" Tae narrowly dodged the last ball from the other teams last player.

"You fucker! How dare you try to hurt my boyfriend!" Jungkook glared at the boy opposing him, who was then pummeled half to death. Jungkook grabbed Tae's hand and raised it up.

"Our team wins you weaklings!" Jungkook picked his boyfriend up and swung him around.

"Since when did we get so close?" Tae asked Jungkook.

"Since you finally fell for me and caused me to get whipped," the older kissed his boyfriend, the gym teacher face palming.

"Class is over. Go get changed," the teacher said before he walked out of the gym.

The class all got changed quick, except for Jimin and Yoongi who were lazily getting changed after the brutal dodgeball game.

Tae, Jungkook, Hoseok, Namjoon, and Jin all left on time. Jimin and Yoongi were still changing by the time the janitor started locking up the school.

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