Chapter 20: 7 Minutes In Heaven

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A/N: I'm really tired and want to write this chapter, I hope it turns out good!


"Seven minutes in Heaven."

Taehyung gulped as Jungkook smirked directly at him. He felt warmth emit from his cheeks as the alpha looked at him, pure lust in his eyes. Tae's legs felt like jelly, even if he was sitting down.

"Okay who's going first?" Namjoon looked around, raising an eyebrow.

"Uh, we are," Jungkook smirked as he grabbed Tae's wrist and pulled him to the closet door.

"I'll time you on my phone. I'll give three knocks when you can come out," Namjoon said as he set a timer on his phone. "Now go!"

Jungkook shoved Tae into the closet, following him as the door closed. The only light was from the older's phone, and it was just enough to see Jungkook slowly getting closer to Tae. You might think Tae was scared- wrong. Tae's heart was beating faster and faster every minute the alpha inched closer. His face started emitting heat from the blush creeping up his cheeks. He was excited and nervous at the same time.

"Now that we're alone, what do you say we have a little fun? Baby," Tae blushed madly, his legs going limp at the emphasis on the nickname. Tae didn't know why he submitted so easily to the older. He was like a drug to the omega. He hated submitting, he was supposed to be sassy and not give in to anything. But the alpha always seemed to melt him.

Tae nodded vigorously. Jungkook smiled with lust, creeping his hands up to the younger's waist and pulling Tae onto his lap.

"Look at you, so eager already. And all i've done is say a few words," Jungkook smashed his lips into the younger's, both of them moving their lips immediately. When the older asked for entrance, the younger complied. Tongues dancing, heat rising, moving in perfect sync. Tae moaned into the kiss, wanting more. Jungkook understood and stuck his tongue deeper into the younger's mouth, running his hands up the side of the omega as he did. They parted for air, Tae drooling a little in pleasure while the older moved to his neck. He licked and sucked, leaving hickey after hickey as the younger moaned.

"M-more," Tae barely got out.

Jungkook smirked, lying the omega down on the floor. He slid his hands up the omegas chest, playing and pinching his hard nipples. Tae moaned more as the older once again claimed his mouth. It was a sloppy, heated kiss, and it felt so good. Tae and Jungkook were addicted to each other, and how one another tasted.

Soon Jungkook was grabbing the younger's ass, leaving hickeys on his stomach and hips.

"You're mine baby. All your moans and kisses, everything is mine," Jungkook whispered into the younger's ear, causing him to let out another moan. Jungkook began pulling down the younger's pants.

Knock, Knock, Knock!

"Times up! Get out ya nasties!" the two boys heard Namjoon yell.

"Shit," Jungkook muttered as he ran his fingers through his sweaty hair. Tae looked down and saw that Jungkook had a bulge in his pants. Tae smirked.

"One minute!" Tae yelled back as he moved to Jungkook and slipped his pants and boxers off, revealing a large member leaking precum.

"Tae what are y-,"

Tae put his mouth onto the older's member with a grunt from the alpha. The younger licked the tip of the member, causing the older to grab a fistful of Tae's hair. He shoved Tae's head further onto his member, to which the omega started bobbing his head up and down, licking the tip when he got to the top. Tae moaned, causing vibrations on the older's hard cock, and Jungkook threw his head back with a small grunt.

"T-Tae i'm gonna cum," Jungkook tried to move the younger off his member, but Tae just continued pumping. The older stopped and released into the younger's mouth with a moan, looking down to see Tae swallowing all of his cum.

"Wow i'm proud of you baby boy," Jungkook ruffled the younger's hair as he gave him one last quick kiss on his lips. Tae blushed.

They opened the door and walked out, only to see everyone smirking at them.

"What? Don't pretend you don't do it too," Jungkook scoffed as he sat down on the floor again, pulling Tae into his lap.

"Who's next?" Namjoon asked.

"Yoongi, Hoseok, and Jimin," Jungkook laughed with a sneaky smile on his face.

A/N: Sorry that it's short and not that good! I'm tired so I did the best I could for this chapter. I might update again tomorrow because it was short. See you in the next chapter! I purple you! 💜

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