Chapter 26: I Promise

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A/N: Early update cause i'm bored af! Will the drama be resolved??


The next day, (Tuesday) Yoongi didn't go to school. He had asked Jimin if he could stay at his house for the night, and ended up not feeling well enough to go to school. He had a broken heart, and cried himself to sleep the night before. The omegas, especially Jimin, were all very worried for Yoongi.

"We have to help him. We need Hoseok to make up with him," Jimin said as the three omegas walked to school.

"How? Yoongi won't leave your bed and Hoseok won't even talk to Yoongi," Tae shook his head sadly.

"I don't know. I guess we'll have to wait and see how everything works out," Jin gave a small smile to the other two, who smiled back.

They all walked into their classes, Jimin heading to history and sitting down in his seat. Hoseok was already sitting in his seat, tapping his pencil on his desk. He leaned over to Jimin and tapped his shoulder.

"Um.. Where's Yoongi? I haven't seen him today and he didn't come home last night," Hoseok whispered, his eyebrows furrowed in worry.

Jimin sighed and turned to the alpha.

"He stayed at our house last night. He's heartbroken. All he's done is cry," Jimin frowned sadly as he looked to the older.

Hoseok's mouth fell open slightly.

"I'm such a horrible person. I didn't even let him explain what happened. I didn't listen to what he had to say," Hoseok put his head in his hands.

Jimin patted his back.

"You aren't a horrible person. You made a mistake. And if you really feel bad, you'll go listen to him and make up," Jimin gave a warm smile to the older. Hoseok nodded and stood up.

"I-I didn't mean right now!" Jimin yelled.

"I don't care. I have to fix this now," Hoseok ran out the door. The teacher was about to yell for him to get back, but just sighed and shook her head.

Hoseok sprinted out of the school door, running down the street as fast as he could. His heart was racing, his muscles ached, his lungs felt like they had no air left in them. But he continued to run.

When he got to the house he looked around and found the spare key Jimin told him about. Unlocking the door, he closed it behind him and dropped his backpack on the floor. He climbed the stairs two at a time, and stood in front of Jimin's room, head against the door. All he could hear was silent sobs and sniffles.

Hoseok knocked, and all sounds from behind the door stopped.

"W-who is i-it?" Yoongi sniffled. Hoseok's heart throbbed at the sound of the crying boy.

"It's Hoseok. Can I come in?" Yoongi's breath hitched in his throat.

I don't want to get close to him again, i'll just get hurt.

"N-no. I don't want to get hurt again," Yoongi replied.

Hoseok sighed. "Please Yoongi. I want-no I need to talk to you."

Yoongi wrapped his arms around his knees.

"F-fine. You can come in," Yoongi pouted sadly as the door opened, revealing a sad looking Hoseok.

The older closed the door behind him and sat on the bed next to Yoongi.

"I'm so sorry Yoongi. I should have listened to you," Hoseok apologized, looking down.

Yoongi gulped.

"It's okay, but I don't want to get close to you again," the older looked at Yoongi, a little surprised.


"I don't want to get hurt again. I don't want my heart broken again. So, i'm not getting close to you or anyone else," Yoongi put his head in between his knees.

Hoseok put his arms around the other alpha and hugged him.

"Yoongi, I know I made a mistake. But you can't live without someone close to you that you can talk to and rely on," the younger hugged Hoseok back, remembering his warmth and not wanting to let go.

"B-but this feeling, it's like I can't breathe. It's like something is sitting on my chest, and all I feel is scared and sad," Yoongi tightened his grip on the older.

"I know how that feels. Knowing I made you feel this way made my heart break too. I promise I will never let you go or hurt you again," Hoseok kissed the other boy's head, hugging him tighter.

"You promise?" Yoongi looked up at the older, his eyes puffy.

Hoseok gave a small chuckle as he wiped the younger's tear stained cheek with his thumb.

"I promise," Yoongi gave a gummy smile as Hoseok started to lean closer to him. Their lips smashed together, happiness and forgiveness exploding between the two. It was such a sweet kiss, one the two hadn't shared before.

"Can we really be together though? Two alphas?" Yoongi asked after they broke apart.

Hoseok smiled at him.

"Of course! I love you for you, not whether you're an omega or not," Yoongi hugged the older male, feeling happier than he ever had before.

"Thank you. I love you Hoseok."

"I love you too Yoongi."

A/N:  My heart hurt while writing this. 😭 It's so fluffy and sweet and now i'm emotional dammit. Gotta love a fluffy Lil Meow! In the next few chapters i'll bring back some Namjin because they have been a little neglected these past few chapters.. Oops! See you in the next update! I purple you! 💜

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