Chapter 52: Christmas Special Part 3

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A/N: Sorry for the delay! Hope you enjoy this chapter!

After the boys finished washing the dishes, they ran to the tree in the living room and sat in a circle on the rug in front of it.

"Okay, who wants to open their presents first?" Jin asked, scanning the excited boys faces.

"Me, me!" Jimin happily yelled, sticking his small hand in the air.

The rest of them chuckled as Jin showed Jimin where his presents were under the tree.

The small boy chose a present that was medium sized and wrapped in yellow spotted wrapping paper. He untied the white bow on top of it as his eyes sparkled, slowly ripping the wrapping paper off.

He gasped as his face turned a light shade of pink, face bright with a huge smile.

"It's the stuffed puppy plush I saw in the store!" He held the plushie close to his chest as he looked at who the present was from.

"H-Hobi! Y-Yoongi!" He ran to the two boys who encased the smaller in a hug. "Thank you! I love you so so much!"

The two alphas chuckled as Jimin gave them both kisses.

"Okay, Jin why don't you go next?" Namjoon smiled at his mate.

Jin nodded and went over to the tree, picking up a light blue present with striped wrapping paper.

He slowly took the wrapping and bow off, face lighting up, eyes sparkling.

"J-Joonie, did you get me this?" Jin asked, eyes gleaming.

Namjoon nodded and wrapped an arm around Jin's waist. Jin had unwrapped a cookbook made entirely of his recipes. The cover had Jin blowing a kiss on it with an apron on that said kiss the cook. Inside there was a sweet note left by Namjoon.

Jin's eyes teared up as he hugged and kissed the older male.

"Can I go now?" Tae nervously asked, smiling at Jin. He nodded, pointing towards Tae's pile of presents.

Taehyung walked over to the pile and picked up a light purple present with a shiny silver bow on top. On the tag attached to it Jungkook's name was written.

He walked back to where he was previously sitting and unwrapped the present.

His face flushed bright red as he looked inside.

There in the box, was a pair of black lingerie, a cat tail, cat ears, and collar. Not to mention the thigh high socks and the butt plug that could be attached to the cat tail.

Tae slowly looked up at Jungkook. The alpha was gazing at him with such intensity, he thought he might pass out. Tae gulped.

"What'd you get Tae?" Jimin excitedly asked, sitting in between Yoongi and Hoseok.

"U-Um I got.. Socks!" Tae smiled, watching the others furrow their eyebrows in confusion.

"Oh.. Can we see?" Jin asked.

Taehyung gulped before reaching in to grab the thigh high socks. But he knocked over the box and the rest of the contents came tumbling out onto the floor.

"Oh, my, god," Jimin said, before smiling to himself.

Jungkook just sat there, looking extremely proud of himself.

"O-okay, Hobi! Why don't you go next?" Jin nervously clapped his hands together and smiled at Hobi.

Hoseok smiled back and grabbed an orange present with a yellow bow on it. He unwrapped it quickly. If he had a tail, it would be wagging furiously in excitement.

"No way!" Hoseok screamed.

Yoongi smiled as Hoseok spun around, holding a wand in his hand. When he clicked a button on the wand, confetti shot out.

"You got me the confetti wand I wanted!"

"Jimin saw you watching TV, and when the commercial came on you started screaming you wanted it. He told me and I bought it online," Yoongi smiled, Hobi diving into his arms. He gave his two boyfriends kisses before shooting confetti into their faces.

"Your turn Joonie!" Jin smiled as Namjoon got up and grabbed a green present with a white bow on it.

He opened it carefully, gasping when he saw what was inside.

"You didn't," He said, looking at Jin.

He pulled out two figures holding hands, and they looked exactly like him and Jin.

"I know it's not much, but when I saw you could custom request figures I couldn't help myself," Jin shyly looked at his hands.

Namjoon turned to him and gave him a sweet kiss.

"I couldn't have wished for anything better."

"Okay lovebirds, can I go now?" Yoongi asked.

Everyone laughed as Yoongi went and pulled a white package with a silver bow out of his pile of presents.

He quickly opened and looked inside. And for once, his eyes widened in surprise.

He pulled out a large blanket with Jimin and Hobi's faces on it. It said, "We love you Yoongi!", on it in big white letters.

"You guys are so cute. Thank you," Yoongi smiled at the two boys who pounced on him, giving him hugs and kisses.

"Can I open mine?" Jungkook asked.

Jin nodded, sitting in between Namjoon's legs.

Jungkook pulled out a blue present with white spots on the wrapping paper and a white bow.

He ripped it open, eyes furrowed in concentration.

When he saw what was in the box he let out a chuckle and smiled at Taehyung.

Inside was a package of different flavored lubes, and a 50% off coupon for the store that they got all their kinky stuff from.

"Seems we had the same idea in mind," Jungkook kissed Tae, who's face was bright red once again.

"You are such kinky fuckers," Yoongi shook his head with a sigh.

"You say that as if you haven't had kinky sex with Jimin and Hobi at the same time," Jungkook shot back at Yoongi, who looked away scratching his head.

"Okay well that's that I guess," Jin said, all of them sitting in silence.

"Sex?" Namjoon asked Jin.

"Yup," and with that Namjin ran upstairs.

Yoonminseok also ran off without a word, darting upstairs.

Taehyung looked at Jungkook, who was staring at him, looking as if he wanted to eat the omega under his gaze.


"Yes," Jungkook said, and lifted Taehyung over his shoulder, slapping his ass as they went upstairs.
A/N: Rip Tae, Jimin, Jin, and Hobi's ass. That's right, Hobi is bottoming in the next chapter! Hope you enjoyed! See you in the next chapter! I purple you! 💜

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