Chapter 4: Hormones

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A/N: Once again sorry for a late update, and sorry if this is a bit short! I'm pretty tired today so i'm going to try and get some rest so I can write a better chapter tomorrow! Smut warning ahead!


Hoseok pulled down Jimin's boxers with one hand as he slid his other hand up Jimin's chest. The omega was warm, face flushed as he let out small moans. Hoseok placed his hand on the omega's hard member and starting stroking it.

"A-ah~," Jimin started to moan more as Hoseok started pumping his member. The alpha then smashed his lips against the omegas for the second time, Hoseok's tongue fighting for dominance- and winning. The omega moaned into the messy kiss, heat rising from every inch of his body, Hoseok pumping faster and faster.

"I-i'm gonna c-," but before the omega could finish his sentence, he released on the alpha's chest.

Hoseok smirked, ready to go further as he looked at the omega, who was a blushing mess.

"What do you say we keep going, hm?" Hoseok took off his pants and boxers, smirking at the omega.

Jimin's omega instincts took over his control as he pulled his own shirt off and wrapped his arms around the alpha's neck. He then wrapped his legs around Hoseok's waist as the alpha pushed the omega's back into the wall.

"A-alpha~," Jimin started to become wet, and Hoseok saw this. The alpha took a finger and put it in the omega's ass, a moan of pleasure filling the room. He started slipping the finger in and out before adding a second finger, and then a third.

"M-more~," the omega begged. Hoseok wanted to tease the omega more, but knew he wouldn't be able to stand the wait. He lined up his own member with Jimin's hole and-

"I think someone's coming!" Yoongi opened the door and his face turned a slight pink as Jimin and Hoseok turned to look at him. "I think I interrupted something..." Yoongi closed the door quickly.

Hoseok sighed as the mood in the air dissipated. He quickly jerked himself off with a grunt and put his clothes back on. Jimin was still a blushing mess, but he cleaned himself up a little bit with some paper towels in the corner of the supply closet. Hoseok than walked out of the closet with Jimin close behind him.

"That was fun omega, hope to see you again," the alpha said as he winked at Jimin, and walked away with Yoongi.

Jimin just stood there, not sure what to think. Should I be upset that we stopped right before it got good, or happy that it ended? Jimin wondered. He then heard a ringing from his phone and saw it was Jin calling. He quickly answered it.

"Jimin are you okay?"

"Yeah i'm fine. Are you okay?"

"Mhm i'm all good. We definitely have a lot to talk about though."

"Yeah we do. Hey have you seen or heard Tae?"

"The last I saw him he was running after you, Yoongi, and Hoseok," Jin said a little worried.

"Where could he have gone then?" Jimin quickly realized where Tae probably was- or more like who he was with.

"Jungkook," Jimin and Jin said into the phone at the same time. It was like they shared a brain sometimes.

"Listen Jimin, we need to find Tae. So let's meet at the mall entrance and then go look wherever that alpha might have taken Tae,"

"Sounds like a plan. See you at the entrance," Jimin hung up and immediately started running towards the entrance of the mall.


A/N: Once again i'm sorry this was so short. But did you get frustrated with Yoongi? (Lmao if I was reading and not writing this I would be.) Where's Tae? Did Jin call from the van? Who was coming to the supply closet? (It was the barista who was going to hide in there to eat "her" snacks- aka Jin, Jimin, and Tae's food lol). I purple you, see you tomorrow! 💜

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