Chapter 5: Heat

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A/N: Sorry for the really late update! But I hope this chapter is worth it! Smut up ahead!


As soon as Jimin got to the mall entrance, he saw Jin standing there panting and sweating.

"I think.. we need.. to find Jungkook's.. house..," Jin panted heavily as he wiped the sweat off his forehead.

"Alright let's try to look it up on our phones and then walk there,"

"Oh! I actually managed to find something! It's not the house number, but it shows the actual house- just with the address blurred out," Jin showed Jimin the phone as they both memorized the picture of the dark grey house that had two floors and large windows.

"Think the other alphas live there?"

"Probably.. Although if Jungkook took Tae to do the dirty, I doubt they are at the house right now,"

"You're right. Anyways let's get going- we've got no time to waste,"

The two omegas ran out the mall entrance and started their search for the dark grey house.

Switch To Tae and Jungkook

Taehyung continued pummeling the alpha's back with his fists until he finally decided it was no use. The alpha just chuckled.

"Please tell me where we are going," Taehyung said as the alpha carried him outside the mall.

"Nope. You'll know when I get there- like I already told you," the alpha walked up to a slim black car in the parking lot. He opened the passenger door and shoved Tae into the seat. Jungkook then opened the drivers seat door and got in. He started the car, and soon he was driving down the street.

Tae was already nervous, but when he suddenly started sweating more and breathing heavier he really started to panic. He knew what this was- he was going into heat. But why? Tae fanned his face with his hands.

"C-can you turn up the air conditioning it's really hot in here," Tae had almost completely forgotten that he had basically been kidnapped as he started going into heat.

"It's already up pretty high but I guess i'll put it on full blast for you little omega," Jungkook smirked, realizing what was happening. He could smell Tae's orange vanilla scent- and he absolutely loved it. His body, his inner wolf, his entire being was craving for Taehyung. He let out a low growl and his eyes flashed a dim red. But he held on a little longer. He turned into the driveway of his dark grey house and pulled Tae out quickly. He opened the door and didn't even make it two steps in before he had Tae pinned to the wall.

The omega gulped. He could feel himself getting wet, his member starting to get hard, every inch of his skin feeling as if it were on fire- and the only thing that could put it out was the alpha in front of him. He was trying his hardest to resist his instincts, but the smell of oak trees with a small underlying scent of mint and cinnamon was too much for him.

"A-alpha help me. It h-hurts," Tae arches his back as he leaned against the wall, his member now throbbing. The alpha traced his fingers down the omegas cheek before taking Tae up to the bedroom as fast as he could.

He then stripped the both of them and put Tae down on the bed. The omega was a blushing hot mess, heat emitting from every inch of his body, his member throbbing. The alpha looked at Tae, his eyes glowing red with lust. He let out another growl as he crawled on top of the omega.

"Hmm, should I tease you a bit first?" the alpha said, voice deep and full of lust. He smashed his lips onto the omega's and their lips fit together perfectly. The alpha slid his tongue in, having complete dominance as the omega moaned into the kiss. Jungkook bit Tae's lower lip slightly as the omega sucked on Jungkook's upper lip, not wanting him to stop. Jungkook then broke for air and starting tracing the omega's neck all the way to his chest with hickeys and small bites from the alpha's fangs.

"P-please alpha~ I want you~," Tae moaned pleading and begging for the alpha to fuck him.

Jungkook couldn't take it any longer. He grabbed a condom out of his bedside table and ripped it open. He slid it over his large member quickly. He lined his member up with the omega's hole and thrust in hard.

"A-alpha~" the omega moaned in pleasure and pain, as Jungkook thrust in harder and harder, the omega's slick running down his thighs as their skin slapped together.

"H-harder," the omega moaned louder. Jungkook could tell that the omega was almost at his peak.

"I-i'm com-," and the omega released all over his chest. He was panting heavily and gave out a few more moans as the alpha thrusted a few more times before releasing, and then pulled out. The alpha took the condom off his member and threw it aside before sitting on the edge of the bed.

The alpha was panting heavily as Tae sat up a little bit, his face still flushed a bright crimson red. Something inside the both of them seemed to say mate. But both Jungkook and Tae were unsure of how they felt.

Jungkook kissed Tae's forehead.

"You should go clean up little omega," Jungkook helped Tae up as the omega walked into the bathroom. Jungkook was cleaning himself up when he heard a loud knocking from downstairs. I thought I told the other alphas not to come back until I said so. Jungkook thought as he pulled on his boxers and black skinny jeans. He was about to go downstairs and tell the alphas to leave, but he was shocked at what he heard.

"JEON JUNGKOOK! WE KNOW YOU HAVE TAE! OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW!" it sounded like the other omegas that were with Tae at the mall earlier.

"Was that Jin and Jimin?" Tae came out of the bathroom with his boxers and the light blue shirt he had on earlier.

Well shit. Great job Jungkook you planned this perfectly.


A/N: So yes, I have never written smut before so please comment and tell me what to change, cause I bet this is really cringey. Anyways I hope this chapter made up for the late update. I purple you! 💜

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