Chapter 33: Threesome

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A/N: Prepare yourself for the leJINdary poly relationship, Yoonminseok!



The three boys just stared at each other, wide eyed with blushes on their cheeks.

Jimin finally snapped out of their 'staring contest' and spoke.

"I-I'm sorry i'll just b-be goin-," Jimin was turning around to leave when a voice stopped him.


He turned back around to see Yoongi climbing out of the stall, mostly naked, to stand in front of Jimin.

"Wh-why don't you join us?" the alpha asked, scratching the back of his sweaty head nervously.

Jimin was surprised to say the least.

"B-but that would be awkward. I should really just g-,"

"Yoongi's right!" Hoseok stepped out of the stall with a small smile. "To tell the truth, Yoongi told me that he kinda liked you- and I told him I felt the same way. We weren't against having a three way relationship with you."

Yoongi nodded his head, gummy smile in full view.

"Yeah. So do you, uh, want to go out with us?" Yoongi shyly asked, pointing to him and then Hoseok who was standing next to him.

Jimin felt his face heat up.

"I actually like both of y-you, so if you really like me," Jimin looked down at his clasped hands. "I'll gladly date both of you."

The two alphas smiled at Jimin, the omega returning the smile.

"S-so what now?" Jimin asked, blushing nervously and excitedly.

The two alphas smirked at him.

"Well, now we make out."

Jimin stared at Hoseok confused.


"We take turns- duh!" Yoongi smiled playfully as they went into one of the larger bathroom stalls. Jimin was the only one with his clothes on, the other two naked. Luckily it was so late that no one else was in the bathroom.

Hoseok leaned in to Jimin, pressing their lips together. It started out sweet, but soon they were practically eating each other's faces. Hoseok tugged on Jimin's bottom lip, his teeth gently nipping at the younger. Meanwhile, Yoongi was sucking on Jimin's neck, leaving an array of colored hickeys ranging from red to purple. Jimin felt so happy. He had hoped to be with them for so long. At least one of them- but both? How lucky was he?

As he and Hoseok pulled apart for air, Yoongi moved to the older alpha and started kissing him.

"I love you Hoseok and Yoongi," Jimin shyly mumbled.

The two parted to look at the younger, smiling at his cute shyness.

"We love you too!" they said in unison.

They all started kissing and sucking on each other, leaving hickeys across each other's necks, chests, and jawlines.

Yoongi pulled down Jimin's pants while Hoseok removed the younger's shirt. Yoongi moved to Jimin's boxers, removing them and revealing a hard member leaking precum. The alpha touched it, moving his lips to the tip. Jimin moaned, wanting more. Hoseok pulled Yoongi's hips up so that he had access to his ass, the younger alpha still able to give Jimin a blowjob.

Yoongi put his mouth on Jimin's hard cock, taking it in fully yet slowly. He started bobbing up and down, moaning and causing vibrations which made it more enjoyable for the omega. At the same time, Hoseok had two fingers in Yoongi's wet hole, scissoring him roughly. Yoongi continued to give the younger a blowjob, Hoseok pulling his fingers out and preparing to shove his member in the younger alpha's ass.

"Y-Yoongi i'm gonna c-cum," Jimin moaned, warning the alpha and trying to pry him off his member. But the alpha refused as Hoseok thrusted hard into him, causing Yoongi to moan loudly into Jimin's member. The omega immediately released into Yoongi's mouth, the younger managing to swallow it all with a small choke, despite Hoseok thrusting into him roughly.

Jimin slid down the wall, catching his breath as he watched Hoseok release into Yoongi, the younger alpha releasing after on Jimin's chest. Yoongi looked at Jimin apologetically, but the omega just smirked as he picked up some of the cum on his chest and licked it. Yoongi smirked with a bright red blush on his face.

"I think our relationship will work out just fine," Hoseok said as he slapped the other's asses before sitting next to them and catching his breath.

They all sat there for a while before cleaning themselves and the stall up, quickly leaving the mall and going home.

A/N: Yay Yoonminseok! I'm so happy they got together! Finally! (<- Jungkook anyone?) Hope this chapter was good, I liked writing it! See you in the next chapter! I purple you! 💜

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