Chapter 12: Sick

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A/N:  I hope this ends up being a good chapter even though it feels like it goes by quick. Don't worry though, my writers block is gone and tomorrow's chapter should be spicy! 😏

Namjoon pulled into the driveway of the alphas modern house, which was surrounded by trees and a perfectly taken care of lawn. The omegas just stared in awe.

"I love your house," Jimin stared out the window, his cheeks pressed against the glass.

"Why not move in? We'd be glad to have all three of you," Hoseok put his arm around the omega's shoulder.

"Tempting offer, but we have our own house," Jimin thanked Hoseok, a small blush on his face.

The seven boys all got out of the van and went to the front door. Namjoon pulled out a small key and unlocked the door. He pushed it open, and it revealed the beautiful inside of the house.

The stairs were right by the door, and you could go up to the second floor where the four alphas rooms were, along with a bathroom.

The first floor led straight ahead to a large living room that connected with a kitchen. The kitchen had an island on the outside that doubled as a counter and a table for people to sit at, as it had four stools on the opposite side of the island, facing where the chef would be cooking. The living room had a fluffy grey rug and a long couch that curved so it was shaped like an 'L'. The couch was a dark ash brown with pillows adorning it. On the wall facing the couch there was a large flat screen TV, along with a table underneath it filled with video games and a playstation and nintendo switch.

The omegas just stared in awe, drooling at the beautiful house.

Even though it was quite stupid, the alphas wished the omegas looked at them the way they looked at the house.

"Alright quit your drooling," Yoongi rolled his eyes as he made his way to the couch and flopped down. "When are you going to order the pizza, hm?"

"Oh yeah. I'll order it. Jimin tell me what you and your friends like," Hoseok led Jimin to the kitchen as he pulled out his phone. Jimin told him the pizzas that they liked and leaned on the counter as Hoseok called the pizza place.

"They'll be here in 20 minutes," Hoseok stretched his hands behind his head, flexing his arms a little as he side eyed Jimin. The omega looked at Hoseok's arm for a second before turning away blushing.


Hoseok patted Jimin's head as they walked over to the couch and sat down.

"Ugh I don't feel so good anymore," Jin lied down on the fluffy grey carpet, curling up in a ball.

"Jin! Are you okay?" Tae ran over to Jin, Jimin also with him.

"I forgot to tell you guys because I was having so much fun but.. earlier I thought I might end up going into heat," Jin groaned as he held onto his stomach which was starting to get cramps.

The omegas looked at each other and then the alphas.

"Get us an ice pack, heating pad, blankets, pillows, and decide which room we are letting Jin use," Tae demanded.

"Jin can use my room," Namjoon stood up and pulled Jin onto his back, inhaling the strawberry cream scent that was flowing off of Jin.

The omegas thanked Namjoon as they turned to the others.

"Well?" Get the stuff we asked for!" Jimin pouted angrily.

"Alright cutie! Calm down," Hoseok chuckled as he grabbed the ice pack from the kitchen and the heating pad from the downstairs bathroom. Jungkook grabbed blankets, and Yoongi grabbed pillows from the closet in the hallway. They all ran upstairs into Namjoon's room, dropping the stuff before running back downstairs where they wouldn't hurt the omega in heat.

Tae and Jimin stood in the doorway watching as Namjoon gently put Jin in his bed with a soft smile, moving the younger's hair off his sweaty forehead.

The omegas were hugging each other as they watched the adorable scene before Namjoon turned around startled, thinking he was alone.

"I- uh," Tae just shushed the Alpha.

"It's okay we won't tell the others."

Namjoon nodded thankfully as he headed downstairs.

The two omegas removed Jin's sweaty clothes for him, leaving him in his underwear. They put the heating pad on Jin's stomach, and the ice pack on his forehead. The minute the omega had the pillows and blankets, he started nesting- and because of the nest, he fell asleep immediately, feeling safe and comfortable as he savored the smell of Namjoon's bed.

It was the smell of a fall day mixed with a heavily wooded forest. Jin loved it as he fell deeper and deeper into dreamland.

The omegas closed the bedroom door, allowing their friend to rest as they headed downstairs.

"He's asleep already," Jimin giggled.

"Is the food here yet?" Tae asked, sitting on the cozy carpet in the living room.

And as if he summoned the pizza delivery person, the doorbell rang.

"Pizza!" Tae ran to the door and opened it. He gratefully took the pizza from the delivery guy and handed him twenty five dollars, telling him to keep the change.

Tae ran back into the living room with the pizza, putting it on the floor in the living room.

Everyone took a slice and started eating hungrily. It wasn't long before everyone had seconds- some even having thirds.

"I am so full. I want to do something to get my mind off of it," Tae rolled around, lying on his stomach with a groan.

Jungkook took this chance to slap the younger's ass, earning a small squeal and a dirty look from the omega, who was now blushing furiously.

"That help baby~?" Jungkook bent down to the omega.

"N-no. Can we actually do something now? Like a game?"

Everyone nodded, trying to think of a game.

Hoseok's eyes lit up.

"How about.. Twister?" he said mischievously.

The alphas all agreed as Tae and Jimin shared a look of nervousness with a gulp.


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