Chapter 37: Halloween Part 1

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A/N: This update is super late i'm so sorry! Hopefully it's good though! My favorite holiday is Halloween! What's yours?


It was the morning of Taehyung's favorite holiday- Halloween. He and the other omegas had decided to have matching costumes with their boyfriends.

Taehyung was dressed as Snow White, and
Jungkook was dressed as one of the dwarfs to match, and damn he surprisingly looked hot for being dressed in a dwarf costume.

Jin was dressed as Princess Peach, and Namjoon was dressed as Mario, (per Jin's request) and surprisingly, it worked for him.

Yoongi was dressed as a cat, Jimin a dog, and Hoseok a fox.

The seven of them had decided to throw a small Halloween party at their house.

Jin and Jimin had gone out and bought snacks and decorations, and had also picked up some board games- although they had agreed that Twister was not to be played again.

Yoongi and Hoseok had put up the decorations when the two returned, Jin and Jimin organizing all the snacks into different bowls and plates.

Namjoon had gone out to get some beer, because no party in the boy's minds was complete without it.

Tae and Jungkook had gone to pickup a fog machine and a light machine, as well as an extra large stereo so they could blast their eardrums open.

At about four in the afternoon the boys finally finished setting up their house for the party. The walls were covered in spooky decorations, orange and black garland, and fake cobwebs.

The couch was moved to the corner of the room next to a table with snacks and beer on it. The stereo was opposite the couch, next to the stereo the fog and light machines.

While the alphas were downstairs, the omegas sneakily decorates their upstairs rooms with candles and black roses. Of course they were going to bring the alphas up for a special treat. It was Halloween after all.

Taehyung, Jin, and Jimin had also slipped on black lace panties underneath their costumes, just to make everything even better.

Once everyone had their costumes on, Hoseok started the Halloween playlist he and Namjoon had came up with and everyone started partying.

"Hey babe. You look really hot," Jungkook whispered in his boyfriend's ear, nibbling it slightly.

Tae giggled, a small blush forming on his face as he took a sip of his drink.

"You look hotter," Tae turned to face Jungkook, giving him a peck on the lips.

"What? Only a peck?"

"Don't worry, i've got a treat for you later," Tae winked as he walked towards Jimin, who was currently stuffing candy corn into his mouth.

"You're gonna choke if you don't slow down," Tae laughed as he downed the rest of his drink, feeling a little tipsy.

Jimin laughed and quickly swallowed all of the candy corn.

"I'll be fine! I have beer to wash it down with!" Jimin chugged his own drink and smiled at Tae, his eyes disappearing into small crescents.

"Jimin! Don't get too drunk! Last time you almost peed in the sink!" Jin yelled from across the room.

"It looked like the toilet okay?" Jimin pouted as the rest of the boys laughed.

They all continued drinking and eating, having a good time. At some point during the monster mash Jungkook pulled his boyfriend's waist into him, slightly pushing his clothed member against the younger's perky ass.

Tae gasped a little, turning his head around slightly to see his boyfriend smirking at him. Tae pushed his hips onto the other, the two of them grinding on each other as they danced.

The others were dancing but not getting too crazy yet. Jin was laughing as Namjoon spun him around and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

Yoongi and Hoseok were dancing with Jimin in between them, a giant sandwich of giggles.

Jungkook couldn't take it anymore. He picked up Tae by his thighs, a squeal coming from the younger as the alpha ran upstairs to their room.

Before Jungkook could open the door, Tae ran in and quickly shut the door and locked in behind him.

Jungkook stood there confused for a second until he heard the door unlock.

Jungkook slowly opened it, seeing Taehyung laying on the bed, dressed in only black panties.

"Trick or treat, daddy."

A/N: Sorry for not having pictures of the others! I might put them in the next chapter, which will obviously be interesting 😏 On another note, thank you so much for 10k reads! I never expected my book to get so many reads so fast! Thank you so much! See you in the next chapter! I purple you! 💜

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