Chapter 13: Twister

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A/N: Mild Smut Warning 😏 It's really late but I have had notifications all day from people voting for my story and I feel the need to give this crappy chapter to you! (Sorry I cant write lol but here you go!)


Hoseok's eyes lit up.

"How about.. Twister?" he said mischievously.

The alphas all agreed as Tae and Jimin shared a look of nervousness with a gulp.

Jungkook went to the hallway closet and grabbed a large mat with colored dots in rows on it, and a large spinner with colors and symbols on it.

"I say we go three vs three, because there's six of us," Yoongi smirked.

"Hell yeah good idea Yoongs!" Hoseok high fived Yoongi as Jungkook placed down the Twister mat.

"Yoongi, Hoseok and.. Jimin you three can go first," Jungkook nodded at them.

The three stood up and moved to the mat, ready to play the game. They all looked serious.

"Winner gets to make a punishment for the losers!" Hoseok yelled.

Everyone agreed, although the two omegas started getting nervous. They had a high chance of losing up against these alpha assholes.

"I'll spin the spinner," Tae offered.

Tae grabbed the spinner and spun it. It landed on right hand blue.

"Jimin you should go first."

"O-okay," Jimin stuttered nervously as he put his small hand on a blue dot, his ass slightly sticking up in the air. As soon as Jimin noticed that Hoseok and Yoongi were looking at it, he crouched down a bit flustered.

Tae spun the spinner again.

"Hoseok, left hand blue."

Hoseok put his left hand right next to Jimin's, and stared at Jimin's face. The younger was blushing so hard, the alpha could feel the heat radiating off of him.

"Yoongi, right hand blue. Gosh it keeps landing on blue. Is it broken?" Tae muttered to himself as Yoongi put his hand on the other side of Jimin's hand. The poor omega now had two horny alphas on either side of him, staring at him as though they were going to devour him.

Jimin didn't want to lose, but didn't know how much longer he could stand this.

"I-I don't really want to play anymore," Jimin stuttered nervously.

"Why? Afraid you might lose?" Hoseok chuckled.

"N-no I just don't like this game."

"Alright enough talking. Jimin right foot red," Tae pointed to the other side of the mat as Jimin stretched his leg to the red dot. He was now stretched across the mat, his stomach up in the air. He started sweating as he tried his hardest to keep himself from falling.

"Hoseok right hand green."

Hoseok moved his hand to a green dot that was right under Jimin.

The omega became more flustered at Hoseok moving right under him.

"Yoongi right hand yellow."

Yoongi moved his hand to a yellow dot that was also under Jimin. Yoongi smirked at the omega, who was now done playing the game.

"I give up! I'll take a punishment! I can't play this anymore!" Jimin hopped up from the mat and curled himself into a ball on the couch.

"We win!" Yoongi and Hoseok high fived.

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