Chapter 14: Punishment

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A/N: If I cringed while writing the last chapter, than this kinky chapter just might kill me. I do it for the readers! 😂💜💜


The five boys all simultaneously looked up at the ceiling as they heard a furious pounding and quiet moans. Once they stopped looking at the ceiling, they made eye contact with each other.

"Are they..?" Tae started.

"Fucking? Yes," Yoongi looked at his phone, not caring much. "I just hope they quiet down I want to sleep at some point."

The two omegas rolled their eyes.

"Anyways, what should we do now? I really don't want to think about what's going on up there," Jimin cringed as he pointed at the ceiling.

Jungkook smirked at that.

"Well, we never decided our punishment."

Taehyung gulped as he grabbed Jimin's arms, a little scared at the mischievous look in the alpha's eyes.

"Oh yeah! Let's decide the punishment right now!" Hoseok agreed with a grin.

The three alphas all started whispering to each other, huddling in the corner of the living room by the TV.

They all turned around slowly, Jungkook clearing his throat.

"The punishment is going to be you two giving us a fashion show of sorts."

The two omegas looked at each other.

"Oh okay, easy enoug-," Tae was interrupted by Jungkook, who continued speaking.

"A lingerie fashion show."

The two younger's gasped, realizing they had spoken too soon.

"W-what? No way!" Jimin refused angrily, Tae agreeing with him.

"Too bad you don't have a choice- we'll force you to do it if you don't choose to willingly," Hoseok smirked at the two.

"What are you waiting for? Go get some outfits and meet us back in here," Jungkook shooed his hand at the two younger boys. "Take Namjoon's van to get to your house."

Tae grabbed Namjoon's car keys and hopped into the black van, driving to the omega's house. Once at the house the two walked inside, annoyed that they had to come all this way for a few pairs of underwear.

The two sighed as they walked upstairs and into Tae's purple room. Looking out the window in the room, the sky was now darkening into a navy blue, stars sparkling in the sky. It looked like the stars were winking at them.

Unfortunately the winking only reminded the omegas of the horny alphas waiting for them at their house.

Tae opened his dresser drawer and pulled out multiple pairs of fancy lingerie.

"Why do you have so many pairs of lingerie?" Jimin asked, inspecting one of the full body pieces that was made of black lace, with thigh high black stockings.

"What- you don't have this many?" Tae questioned.

Jimin shook his head, as Tae laughed.

"I'm only joking. I got into.. kinky shit at one point last year."

The two made eye contact and immediately started laughing again.

"Okay for real this time, I just wanted to know what it felt like and how it looked on me. Once I tried it on, I decided to buy more just for fun."

Jimin nodded.

"Is it comfortable?" Jimin asked.

"Heck yeah!" Tae laughed. "It's not bad, you just have to get used to it."

Once the omegas grabbed all the lingerie they needed, they ran back outside and hopped into the van. Starting it up, Tae drove back to the alpha's house, Jimin holding all the lingerie in his lap.

"Back," Tae said throwing the car keys on the table next to the door.

"Great! You can change in the bathroom and then come out and show us what you got," Jungkook licked his lips as he pointed to the bathroom near the living room.

"Alright give us a second. Just sit down," Tae rolled his eyes, unamused.

The two younger's each chose a pair.

Tae chose a pair of black lingerie. It was the shape of a one piece women's bathing suit, but it had triangles cut out on the sides and the whole thing was made of see through black lace. Tae also put matching black lace, thigh high stockings on to complete the look.

He may not have liked this punishment, but he was definitely going to look good while doing it.

Jimin chose a pair of red lingerie. It was a similar shape to Tae's, but the whole abdomen section was cut out, making it a two piece. It was made out of see through red lace, with a big red ribbon on the part that covered his ass. He also put on matching red lace thigh high stockings to complete the look.

The two took a look at each other, and nodded.

"We look hot."

"We look better than hot, we look like queens!" Tae flipped his bangs.

They both laughed a little before they opened the door, strutting into the living room.

The moment the alpha's eyes hit the two boys bodies, they melted.

Bouncing asses, thick curves, and pretty faces to wrap it all up.

The alphas were practically drooling.

After seeing this, the two boys decided to tease them a bit.

First, they bent down, doing the Britney Spears sexy drop that Jin had done earlier.

The alphas seemed to bend forward a bit, still refraining from completely fainting from all the heat in the room.

Tae moved in front of Jungkook, winking at the boy. He turned around, and stuck his ass out a little bit, gesturing at the boy.

Without a second glance, the alpha smacked the younger's ass hard, earning a soft moan and a smirk.

Jimin walked over to Yoongi and Hoseok, doing the same- he bent down and looked at them, waiting. The two alphas almost collapsed as they struck the younger's ass at the same time, also earning themselves a moan.

The omega's walked back into the center of the room, and put themselves back to back.

They sexily struck matching poses as they let their mouths open a little bit, just enough to make the alpha's want to claim them right then and there. The two younger's winked before strutting back into the bathroom, changing into their normal clothes again. They high fived each other, loving how badly they teased the older boys.

The two walked out and looked at the three alphas who were still in shock, faces red, mouths wide open.

"Did you enjoy it, alphas~?" Tae teased chuckling a bit.

But all the alpha's could do was stare and nod, not being able to forget the performance that was just displayed in front of them.


A/N: Sorry I use "ass" instead of  "butt". Butt just sounds too cutesy and would ruin the mood (well as cutesy as a butt can get lol). Hope you enjoyed this cringe chapter! (I sure did- just kidding I need to go shower in some holy water.) See you tomorrow! I purple you! 💜

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