Chapter 50: Christmas Special

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A/N: I am so sorry I haven't updated this story in so long! I was in a hiatus that I guess I didn't expect. I kinda had a writers block and just didn't feel like writing. But after reading almost a whole book of KookV smuts (bye gguktaelemonjuice which you should read 😏) I feel revived and ready to finally write the Christmas special! Thank you to everyone who's still here and supporting me and my books. Anyways, enough of this; who wants some Christmas smut?

"Yoongi come help me hang this garland!" Hoseok yelled from his spot on the stepladder, trying his best to hang red and green tinsel around the perimeter of the room.

Yoongi walked out of the kitchen with a gingerbread cookie in his mouth. He chuckled and walked over to Hoseok.

"What do you need Hobi?" Yoongi asked as he leaned against the wall.

"I can't reach the ceiling and I need help hanging it up," Hoseok pouted, his cheeks slightly pink as he looked at the other male.

Yoongi nodded and stepped up the ladder, one arm around Hoseok's waist, the other lifting the garland to the ceiling. Hoseok quickly grabbed some tape and stuck the garland to the ceiling.

"Nice teamwork babe," Yoongi winks at the other male. Hoseok blushed as the two got off the ladder and put it back in the closet.

Meanwhile Jimin was in the kitchen helping Jin make an amazing gingerbread house and a festive meal for their Christmas dinner.

"Yah! Don't eat the frosting!" Jin yells as he takes the frosting bag from Jimin.

"Sorry Jin, it was just so good looking. Although it tasted even better!" Jimin gave a crescent eye smile as Jin rolled his eyes.

"Where did you put the gumdrops?" Jin asked.

The table was covered in frosting and gingerbread crumbs, little bowls of assorted candies scattered along the table's edge.

Jimin popped a hershey kiss into his mouth and pointed at a clear bowl with little gumdrops of many colors inside.

"Thanks Jiminie," Jin took the gumdrops and carefully placed them along the top of the gingerbread house, making the roof look like it was covered in festive lights.

"I think it's done, don't you?" Jin asked Jimin, wiping his hands on his apron.

"Hm? Yeah it looks great!" Jimin stuffed a bunch of leftover candy into his mouth, smiling like a little kid as he ran off giggling to share some with his boyfriends.

"This kid," Jin shook his head.

"Me? I think i'm more of a handsome boyfriend then a kid," Jin turned around to see Namjoon giving him a dimpled grin.

"Joonie!" Jin threw his arms around Namjoon's neck, the alpha placing sweet kisses on the younger's head.

"Can I help you make dinner? I know I can't really cook but..," Namjoon trailed off as he started blushing, embarrassed.

Jin jumped up and then grabbed the alpha's hands.

"Of course! And how will you get better if no one teaches you how?"

Namjoon shrugged with a smile as he washed his hands and started helping Jin with dinner.

Upstairs there were loud sounds coming from Jungkook's room, which he shared with Taehyung.

"Ahhh!" Taehyung yelled.

He had lost yet another game of Overwatch to his boyfriend.

"Alright, your punishment is to take off another piece of clothing," Jungkook chuckled, looking as if he was about to pounce on the smaller boy next to him.

Taehyung reluctantly took off his pants, leaving him in his silky, white shirt and light blue boxers.

"Can we stop playing this now? I keep losing and sooner or later I'm going to be sitting here naked," Taehyung huffed with a pout.

Jungkook just let out a small laugh.

"That's the point babe," he winked at the other, turning off the game.

Taehyung blushed as he took out his phone and glanced at the time.

"Dinner should be ready soon, do you wanna head downstairs now, Kookie?" Tae asked, his eyes wide in curiosity.

"Sounds good. Let's go Tae baby," Jungkook kissed Tae's cheek as they both got up and went downstairs. After Taehyung put his pants back on.
A/N: Sorry again for being gone so long! This special will have multiple parts. This chapter was really just me introducing the special and getting back into writing. Better chapters are on its way! See you in the next chapter! I purple you! 💜💜💜

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