Chapter 38: Halloween Part 2

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A/N: Smut warning! Sorry this is so late!

Jungkook licked his lips as he locked the door behind him, staring at the omega sexily sitting on his bed.

His milky, tan thighs, his beautiful face, his slender arms and hands, and his rounded curves. Jungkook never could seem to get enough of Taehyung, no matter how many times he looked at him.

"Damn," Jungkook said with a smirk, walking slowly towards the bed as he removed his shirt.

Taehyung giggled, rubbing his hands over the older's smooth abs as their lips crashed together, filled with lust and passion.

Jungkook bit the omega's lower lip slightly, causing Tae to moan as the older slid his tongue into his mouth. Their tongues danced in a fight of fiery heat and passion. Moans and the feeling of the heat between them was all there was in that moment.

They pulled apart, the younger's eyes slightly closed in pleasure. They sat there staring into each other's lust filled eyes for a second, catching their breath.

But that didn't last long. Jungkook removed his pants, leaving himself in only his boxers. He moved further onto the bed, hovering over the younger. With a growl, he attacked Tae's neck, sucking, biting, and nipping at every inch of milky tan skin. He left a trail of marks from the younger's collarbone to his stomach, moans escaping the younger the whole time.

"P-please," Tae moaned, wanting more. Jungkook smirked as he gave one last hickey to the younger.

Reaching to the bedside table, he grabbed a bottle of lube. He squeezed some onto his fingers, warming it up.

He took one of his fingers and slid it around the younger's pink rim, already able to feel the younger trying to grind down on his hand.

"So eager aren't you baby? Such a little cock slut," Jungkook smirked as he thrusted his finger into the younger.

"Y-yes daddy," Tae moaned out as Jungkook thrusted another finger into his tight hole.

Jungkook added a third finger and starting thrusting them harder, grazing the younger's prostate, teasing him.

The younger moaned out, wriggling on the bed as the teasing became to much for his over sensitive hole.

"F-fuck me d-daddy," Tae moaned out, arching his back slightly.

Jungkook obliged, pulling his fingers out with a whine from the younger.

Taking off his boxers, Jungkook squirted some lube and rubbed it onto his already hard and dripping with precum member.

Finally he lined up with the younger's hole, only giving Tae a moments notice before ramming his cock into him.

Tae moaned loudly, arching his back with a small pleasurable scream as Jungkook began thrusting at a fast pace, making sure to hit the younger's prostate each time.

Jungkook thrusted harder and harder, absolutely pounding into the younger as if he was trying to make it so Tae wouldn't be walking tomorrow.

"M-more, i'm s-so close," Tae barely managed to moan out as his body shook with pleasure, in the edge of releasing.

Jungkook was also on the edge, so he thrusted harder, reaching climax as he and Tae released almost simultaneously, the two riding out their high. Tae moaned as he went slightly limp from over stimulation, the alpha finally slowing down and collapsing on top of them.

They stayed like that for a while, laying in each other's heat, cum, and sweat, listening to one another's heartbeats and not realizing they were falling asleep.

A/N: Once again, sorry for the late update. I'm really tired, so I'm going to go now. See you in the next chapter! I purple you! 💜

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