1k Special! Chapter 15.5: Amusement

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A/N: 1k special time! I won't waste much time talking- just two things. One, the name can be related to the place they go, as well as being related to the feeling of amusement. Two, expect smut and fluff! Thanks again for 1k views! Here is the special chapter I promised you!


Taehyung was pinned against the wall of the alpha's bedroom, face red and his body melting under his own body's heat, and the alpha's.

The alpha inched his face closer to the omega's, Tae's legs feeling wobbly.

"Look at how you melt under my presence," the alpha smirked at the omega, lust in his eyes.

Tae just stared back into those brown eyes, not being able to break the contact. Quickly, the alpha smashed his lips against the younger's, tongue rushing into Tae's mouth. The kiss became hot and heavy, sloppy and dirty. Heat rose around the two, both of them falling faster into their own lust and desire.

They separated, lips swollen and puffy, panting heavily. Saliva rolled down Tae's puffy pink lips as his chest rose and fell with every heavy breath. His heart was beating faster and faster every time the alpha made eye contact with him.

The older grabbed Tae's ass and brought him over to the bed, sitting on the edge with Tae on his lap. They aggressively wrestled the clothes off of one another, the alpha leaving hickeys all over the omega's neck and chest while doing so.

"A-alpha," Tae moaned in pleasure as he felt the alpha's large erect member poke through his boxers, rubbing against Tae's hole.

The alpha ripped off his boxers revealing his large leaking member, and lifted Tae up a bit. He stuck two of his fingers into the omega's mouth, gagging the omega as he salivated all over them.

Removing his fingers from the omega's mouth, he quickly moved them to the younger's hole.

He shoved one finger in, then two, then three. Each finger added created a larger moan from the younger, who was red and sweaty, emitting heat and his amazing orange vanilla scent.

"A-alpha please, please fuck me," Tae moaned through the pleasure.

"Look at how you beg for my cock, little omega slut," the alpha's words made the younger's back shiver in pleasure.

The alpha lined up with the younger's hole, and thrust in hard.

"A-ah!" Tae moaned as the alpha continued thrusting- harder and harder, grunting with the pace of his thrusts.

Taehyung was a moaning mess, mouth open, eyelids shuddering with pleasure.

The alpha thrust in hard and deep, the younger's back arching as the older hit his prostate.

"Like that, huh?" the alpha continued hitting the younger's prostate- abusing it as the younger was so filled with pleasure he couldn't even speak.

"I-i'm going to co-," the omega started as he released all over himself and the older's chest.

The alpha thrust hard and quick a few more times before he released inside the omega, who was moaning in pleasure as his hole was filled up.

Riding out his high, the alpha gave a few more hickeys to the omega before collapsing on top of him.

"A-ah I love you Kookie."

Tae woke up with a gasp, his eyes wide open as he panted heavily. He looked under his bed sheets to find that the front of his pants had a stain. Tae blushed a dark red as he grabbed clothes for the day, and ran to the bathroom.

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