Chapter 8: Karaoke

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A/N: Once again i'm really tired, so I hope this chapter doesn't end up too bad. I'll try to make it the best I can though!


All seven boys hopped into the same black van that Jin had been in with Namjoon only a day ago. Namjoon sat in the drivers seat and started the engine. He soon pulled out of the school parking lot, and started driving to the karaoke place.

"These karaoke rooms are always so cool!" Tae was excited, bouncing around in the back of the van.

"Save that energy for the actual karaoke Tae," Jungkook pulled Tae into his lap. Tae turned a slight red as he crossed his arms.

The other omegas just laughed. They were cute around each other.

Namjoon pulled into the parking lot of the karaoke place. He turned off the engine and everyone got out. They all walked in and asked for an extra large room. The employee nodded and led them to the room they were renting.

"Okay so who wants to go first?" Hoseok asked.

Everyone just looked at each other and shrugged.

"Well, before we start," Yoongi said as he pulled two small cases of beer out of his backpack. "Let's drink to new.. 'friends'."

"How did you manage to get that in here?" Jungkook asked.

"I have my ways."

Everyone laughed and grabbed a beer. The omegas were a little hesitant, especially Tae. Tae looked at the beer, almost feeling scared of it. Jungkook saw this and wrapped his arm around Tae's shoulder.

"It's okay, it won't kill you. As long as you don't do anything stupid at least," Tae didn't know whether he should feel assured or even more scared. But having everyone else there, Tae decided to at least have one.

Tae popped the tab off of the van of beer, and slowly took a gulp.

"Aish!" Taehyung felt like his throat was on fire.

"You'll get used to it," Jungkook patted Tae's back.

Soon everyone had dranken at least one can each, and finally decided to choose a song.

"Let's do.. Mic Drop by BTS," Namjoon said already dancing a little. Jin went up to Namjoon and started dancing too.

"Okay~!" Hoseok twirled towards the selection screen and turned on Mic Drop. He took a mic and gave Namjoon and Yoongi one as well.

The song started, and as the three rapped, the rest danced. Jin's face was a bright red. He had obviously dranken a lot- or just couldn't hold his alcohol. He started grinding up against Namjoon, who instantly started having trouble focusing on the song. Eventually he tossed his mic on the floor and started grinding back on Jin.

Hoseok and Yoongi gave up soon after. Yoongi collapsed on the floor and fell asleep.

Hoseok picked Jimin up by the waist and started making out with him in the corner of the couch.

Tae sat on the couch, legs crossed and about a foot away from Jungkook. Jungkook was looking at Tae through the corner of his eye. God he looks so good right now. Jungkook thought as he licked his lips.

Tae turned to look at Jungkook. He felt weird, and his face felt hot. I think I drank too much. Tae thought. He made eye contact with Jungkook, and neither one of them would break it.

"W-what?" Tae stuttered as he fiddled with his thumbs. Jungkook chuckled with a smirk.

"You just look really hot right now," the alpha growled, his voice laced with lust. Tae was trying so hard not to give in. But with Jimin and Hoseok making out in the corner and Jin and Namjoon grinding up on each other while dancing, he couldn't help it.

Tae moved closer to Jungkook. "You don't look so bad yourself."

Jungkook was a little surprised at Tae's sudden assertiveness. He grabbed Tae and put him on his lap. Tae was now straddling him.

They looked at each other for a second before the smashed their lips together, tongues fighting, their breath hot. Tae moaned slightly into the kiss and Jungkook took dominance,  continuing  to move his tongue around Tae's mouth. They broke apart for a breath, and the heat from the kiss could be felt in the air.

Tae noticed a slight bulge in Jungkook's pants, and took this opportunity. He started rubbing his hand against the bulge, Jungkook grunting with pleasure.

Tae was about to unzip Jungkook's pants when he suddenly fell backwards, and blacked out.

The Next Morning

Tae woke up to light streaming in through a large window behind him. He rubbed his eyes and tried to sit up. But he couldn't as Jungkook had his arms wrapped around Tae's waist.

"Oh hey Tae," Jimin said sleepily, rubbing his head as he cuddled in Hoseok's arms.

"My head hurts," Tae told Jimin as a splitting pain shot through his head.

"It's called a hangover."

"Ugh. How do I get it to go away?"

"You wait it out. Or eat or drink weird things that people say make it better." Jimin ran his fingers through his hair as he yawned.

As Tae looked to his left, he saw Yoongi still sleeping on the floor- except Namjoon and Jin had joined him. The three were cuddled up in a big pig pile. How it was comfortable to sleep like that, Tae didn't understand.

"Just go back to sleep," Jungkook mumbled sleepily as he pulled Tae back to him.

"Ugh, let me check my phone first," Tae grabbed his phone and looked at the time. "It's nine? We're late for school! What should we do?"

"Shush, bitch," Yoongi mumbled as he fell back asleep.

Taehyung rolled his eyes.

"Let's just ditch today and get our work tomorrow. Not like any of us feel well enough to go anyways," Jimin said falling asleep mid sentence.

Taehyung just sighed and rested his head on Jungkook's chest. Soon the seven boys were fast asleep once again.


A/N: Sorry if the ending feels rushed, it didn't save and I had to try to remember what I wrote and do it again. Anyways, next chapter up soon! I purple you!

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