Chapter 39: Challenge

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A/N: Sorry for not updating! Here's some weird ass writing for you! I swear that this book is secretly a crack fic at this point.

A/N: Sorry for not updating! Here's some weird ass writing for you! I swear that this book is secretly a crack fic at this point

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(Also why is my bias so beautiful? I almost cried after I started squealing at how cute he is.)

"You two horny fuckers were so loud last night," Jimin sat on the floor in the living room, sipping hot chocolate.

"I'm surprised you didn't hear yourself and those loudass moans," Tae shot back with a laugh, sitting in Jungkook's lap as the older ran his hands down the younger's sides.

"Okay well at least my moans didn't sound like a dying goat," Jimin smirked as he sassed back.

Jungkook squeezed Tae's sides, ready to prepare a challenge.

"I disagree, his moans are the best thing i've ever heard," Jungkook proudly stated, the younger in his lap blushing. "So I think we should have a challenge as to which bottom moans the loudest and the best."

The room went silent, everyone thinking about the challenge. It was probably a horrible idea, but that just made it more tempting.

"Alright. Tae, Jin, and I will all go against each other. It's up to our boyfriends to help us, as in make us moan," Jimin shamelessly announced.

Everyone else agreed, deciding that they would have the challenge that night. They all went out to buy stuff, toys being allowed in the challenge.

Tae and Jungkook were looking around until the alpha found something he liked.

"Hey babe, come look at this."

Taehyung walked over to where Jungkook was, curiously tilting his head at the older's smirking face.

"Think you'd be up for this?" Jungkook held up a leash and rope. The younger blushed profusely.

"I-I mean I guess so..," Jungkook rubbed his hand through Tae's hair.

"Okay baby. Don't be afraid i'll take care of you," the older smashed their lips together for a quick kiss before paying.

Meanwhile, Jin and Namjoon were busy digging through their personal box of toys at home. They thought their collection was well hidden, but everyone else knew about it.


"No, already tried it."

"Oh. Um.. this one?"

"Nope, wasn't much of a turn on."

The two were struggling to find something they hadn't tried yet. It was a miracle Jin was still walking.

Finally Namjoon pulled out two things with a smirk.

"How about these? I don't think we've tried it yet," Namjoon was holding up a cock ring and some ribbon.

The younger's eyes sparkled with lust and excitement.

"Yes! Let's try that stuff," Jin clapped his hands together with a smile, the older smiling back at his cute boyfriend.

Hoseok stood, looking at his two boyfriends.

"Alright, you two have both bottomed so figure out something that turns you two on. Like a kink or a toy or something," the older looked at the two, waiting for them to start brainstorming.

The two younger's blushed and looked at each other.

"Okay well um.. I guess I like when you spank me?" Jimin said, blushing a bright red.

Yoongi whipped his head to face Jimin.

"You like that too? I thought I was weird for liking it.. Phew!"

Jimin laughed and smiled at Yoongi.

The two started talking about their kinks and favorite toys, positions, etc. Hoseok just stood there taking mental notes.

The three ended up agreeing to use handcuffs and the spanking kink.

All three groups were determined to win, not realizing how stupid and pointless the whole thing really was.

A/N: Sorry it was short! I'll probably update tomorrow, so be prepared! This is going to send me to hell I swear pass me the holy water. See you in the next chapter! I purple you! 💜

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