Chapter 48: Mud Pit

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A/N: As you can tell from the title, this chapter might get messy. Also, after these few challenge chapters where the boys are just fooling around, the only updates afterwards will be for Christmas and New Years. Then the book will end. But there will be a sequel in 2019 so don't worry! Now on to the chapter.

"Okay the next challenge is this obstacle course," Hoseok pointed his rainbow flag towards a large course set up with random objects.

Hoseok then handed the flag he was holding to Jimin.

"I'll be the one watching for this round, so don't try to cheat. And that goes for you two as well Yoongi and Hobi."

The two individually mentioned boys blushed, but soon high fived and stood at the starting line of the course. Namjin and Taekook were also standing at the starting line.

"Ready, set, go!" Jimin yelled, jumping up and waving the flag around.

The three teams rushed towards the first obstacle; tires. The first obstacle was fairly simple, most of them getting through easily. Except for Jin who accidentally tripped over one.

They moved onto the second course which was harder this time. They had to army crawl under a net. Taehyung immediately dove under the net, easily and quickly crawling under and hopping out the other side. Jin, Hobi, and Yoongi also made it past easily.

Namjoon, on the other hand, somehow almost ripped the net in half and got his leg caught in it. Jungkook ended up upside down trying to free his hand which got caught.

When the two boys made it out Namjin and Taekook ran to the third obstacle, managing to catch up with Yoongi and Hoseok.

This obstacle was even harder than the last one. It was a large wooden structure with ropes hanging down from it as if they were swings without seats. Underneath the ropes was a bunch of mud in a small pit.

Taehyung looked at the pit with disgust, not wanting to ruin his purple shirt which he had gotten from his boyfriend as a present. It secretly said, "Daddy's BabyBoy" on it. Taehyung inside outed the shirt for the competition though.

Yoongi ran up and clung to one of the ropes, swiftly making his way across them as if he was a monkey. He cheered Hoseok on as the older shakily made his way over, taking a rest in Yoongi's arms afterwards.

Jin ran to the ropes and hopped onto one of them, falling into the mud after trying to reach the second one. He began yelling, thinking he was drowning or that something was touching his foot. Namjoon jumped into the mud and pulled Jin out, hugging the omega in his arms tightly as Jin dramatically sighed in relief. Although it wasn't long before his iconic dad jokes and laugh returned.

Taehyung ran and jumped onto the rope, moving to the second one and third one easily. But as he made it to the center of the obstacle he started sweating and slipping from the rope. He clung to it with all his strength, not wanting to fall into the mud below.

"K-Kookie help!" Taehyung yelled as he shut his eyes tight.

Jungkook ran and jumped onto the rope, moving as fast as he could to get to Taehyung. He reached the younger in lightning speed, telling the boy to hold onto his back.

The two made it the rest of the way, making it onto land again just for Taehyung to collapse in Jungkook's arms.

As all three teams sat in the other side of the rope obstacle, Jimin came hopping in.

"Get up! We have two more obstacles!"

"Please no, I forfeit," Hoseok whined, Yoongi nodding as he petted the other's hair.

"Us too, it's a lot of work," Taehyung curled up closer to Jungkook's chest with a yawn.


"Don't you even dare think about forfeiting," Jin sassed as he covered Namjoon's mouth.

"That means you two win! Namjin wins the obstacle course!" Jimin yelled and clapped.

"Who knew mud could be so cold," Jin shivered.

"Not me," Namjoon wiped off some of the cold mud from his arm.

"Okay next obstacle!" Jimin yelled rushing everyone to the next challenge.
A/N: Quick chapter! I'm very tired so i'm sorry if it's not that good. I'll see you in the next chapter! I purple you! 💜

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