Chapter 32: Oops

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A/N: I'm very tired and this is going to be very short, sorry! But at least one of my guinea pigs is eating again! 😊


Jimin, Hoseok, and Yoongi had all decided to go to the mall the same night Jin and Namjoon had their date, and Taehyung and Jungkook went shopping.

Yoongi and Hoseok had accidentally found out about Jimin's collection of sex toys- which had started after the two alphas showed him BDSM Utopia (A/N: I changed the store name). After finding out, they told Jimin that they didn't have a problem with his collection and would show him cool toys he should buy from the store.

And as embarrassed as he was, Jimin was happy the two alphas didn't mind helping him grow his collection.

The three walked into the store, Yoongi and Hoseok holding hands.

Jimin was a bit jealous of them, wanting to be in a relationship too. But he wanted them to be happy together more than he cared about having his own mate.

The three started looking around, not many people there this late at night. The purple lights bounced off the walls causing a purple glow in the room. Electronic music with a catchy beat played loudly, pictures and different toys displayed all over the store.

Jimin was looking intensely at a new toy from one of his favorite brands when Yoongi and Hoseok came up to him.

"Hey, we're gonna go to the bathroom," Hoseok said with a smile.

Jimin smiled back with a nod.

"Okay! I'm good here."

The two alphas laughed a little and then smiled before walking out of the store and heading to the bathrooms.

Jimin continued looking around, eventually deciding to buy a new dildo and vibrator before leaving the store.

"Where are Yoongi and Hoseok?" Jimin whispered under his breath, looking around. He didn't see the two anywhere.

"Maybe one of them texted me," Jimin pulled out his phone and turned it on. No new messages.

He began to get nervous.

Did they drown in the toilet? Did they get mugged? Did they suffocate in toilet paper?

He shook his head, clearing his thoughts.

It's okay. I'll just go check the nearest bathroom.

The younger walked around for a few minutes before finding a door that lead to a bathroom. He opened it and walked inside. It was fairly large with brown tiled walls and black marble flooring.

As he looked around for them, he heard a loud moan.

"A-ah, Hobi harder~!"

Jimin's face heated up, turning completely red as he gulped.

Jimin started walking towards the noise, sweating.

"That's not what you call me, is it?"

The voice was closer than before, and he was now able to hear heavy breathing and wet slapping sounds.

The final stall at the end of the row was closed shut, the noises the loudest they could be.

"S-sorry Daddy."

Jimin walked slowly closer, trying to peer inside. He was just about to leave, not wanting to hear anymore when-


Jimin covered his mouth with his hands, eyes opened wide. The sounds stopped.

The stall door slowly opened a crack, revealing a sweaty Hoseok and a sweaty Yoongi barely visible behind him.


A/N: Sorry for the short chapter! Yoonminseok is coming soon! Literally 😏 See you in the next chapter! I purple you! 💜

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