Chapter 24: Gucci Sale!

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A/N: It's Gucci time everyone! I'm super bored so I thought I might as well make another chapter! Let's consider this early update the 4k reads early update! Thank you so much for 4k reads! On to the Gucci!


The van drove down the road, everyone inside silent. Tae couldn't handle the silence anymore, it was unbearable!

"This silence is so awkward. Can we please talk about something or play a game?" Tae whined as everyone else seemed to relax at the breaking of the awkward silence.

"Sure! What should we talk about? Or do you wanna play a game?" Jimin asked as he smiled.

Jungkook looked at Hoseok and Yoongi with a smirk.

"Let's talk about how good you are in bed, baby," Jungkook winked at the younger.

Tae blushed a dark red, heat radiating off his face.

"L-let's not," Tae stuttered, too embarrassed to look at anyone.

The others chuckled as they watched Tae get flustered.

"Let's play spin the bottle!" Hoseok said, pulling an empty bottle from the back of the van. The others agreed, although Jimin and Tae both looked nervous.

Hoseok spun the bottle, going first. The bottle spun around until it landed on Yoongi. Yoongi blushed slightly as he backed up. The alpha had a slight crush on Hoseok, which was confirmed after all that happened last night. He would sometimes get jealous seeing Jimin with Hoseok, and it made him feel confused. He didn't know how he saw his best friend like that.

"Ready Yoongi?" Hoseok smirked as he turned to the other alpha. Yoongi blushed harder as Hoseok pulled him onto his lap. The alpha's hands were wrapped around Yoongi's waist as Yoongi put his hands on the others shoulders.

"N-no. I don't feel like playing this any-," Hoseok smashed his lips against the younger's (by one month) lips interrupting him. Yoongi didn't pull away because he was enjoying it even though he didn't want the others to see. Hoseok managed to slip his tongue into the younger's mouth, exploring every inch as the heat between the kiss got hotter. Yoongi pulled away first, lips swollen. The rest of them were watching with wide eyes and mouths gaped open.

"Two alphas together? Cool," Tae stared at the two, slightly blushing at their skin ship.

Yoongi quickly got off of Hoseok's lap and sat down where he had been before. Jimin smiled slightly at the two alphas, feeling somewhat jealous of Hoseok and Yoongi. To tell the truth, Jimin had a slight crush on Yoongi. But at the same time, he had a slight crush on Hoseok. Jimin didn't know what to do, so he tried his best to hide his feelings and stay away from the two until he figured it out.

"I'll go next!" Jimin said as he spun the bottle. Once again, it landed on Yoongi who sighed in frustration.

"Did someone rig this? Why does it keep coming to me!" Jimin sighed as he moved over to Yoongi. He gave him a quick peck on the lips as he felt his heartbeat grow faster. He blushed as he pulled back, although Yoongi didn't really react. Jimin felt a little sad, as he thought the older liked him.

They were about to spin it again when the car stopped.

"We're here!" Namjoon called out to them. Everyone cheered as they hopped out of the van.

Jungkook grabbed Tae's hand as they walked into the mall, Namjoon and Jin doing the same.

When it came to the other three, they just walked side by side without holding hands. Their love triangle was complicated, and they didn't even know it existed because they had never said anything about how they felt out loud.

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