Chapter 51: Christmas Special Part 2

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A/N: Hi everyone! Sorry for not writing in so long! I'm hoping I can get back into writing so I can finish my book Daegu's Knight! Although there will probably be a sequel to this book, but who knows? Anyways, hope you enjoy this chapter!

Taehyung and Jungkook sprinted down the stairs, sharply turning the corner once at the bottom to turn into the kitchen.

"Ooh gingerbread house," Jungkook licked his lips, stars in his eyes as he walked up to the gingerbread house.

Suddenly a hand slapped away Jungkook's hands.

"Yah! Don't just come down here and destroy my house!" Jin yelled.

Taehyung giggled, watching from the corner of the kitchen. Jin saw Tae and walked up to him with a smile.

"Want to go help Yoongi, Jimin, and Hoseok decorate the tree? Me and Joonie would but we have to make dinner," Jin pointed at a very serious Namjoon trying to cut carrots properly.

"Okay! Come on Kookie!" Taehyung grabbed Jungkook's hand a brought him into the living room, where a large, fake white Christmas tree stood. Yoongi and Jimin were opening boxes filled with ornaments and other decorations while Hoseok placed a reindeer ornament on the tree.

"Hi Tae, hi Kook!" Jimin smiled as he saw the two males standing in the room, staring at the giant tree.

"Oh hi! Can me and Kookie help decorate?" Tae asked, getting snapped out of staring at the tree. Jungkook waved at Jimin with a smile.

"Yeah, of course," Jimin smiled.

The two males walked over to the boxes filled with ornaments and began gently placing them on the tree, one by one. Working together, the five of them got through box after box of decorations. Soon there was no room on the tree for anything else.

"I think we're done, the tree looks pretty full," Yoongi said, wiping his forehead with his sleeve.

"It looks amazing!" Hobi clapped, a bright smile on his face.

"I'm so excited it's Christmas eve!" Jimin chimed in. (I'm waiting for the comments on this :>)

"I think we still need to put the stockings up and place presents under the tree. Didn't we say we would all open one tonight and the rest tomorrow?" Jungkook asked, pulling out a box labeled "stockings".

The boys all grabbed them and put them on the fireplace; Jin, Namjoon, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin, Tae, Jungkook.

"Yeah we all get to open one present tonight. It's always so hard to decide which one..," Tae trailed off in thought.

The others nodded their heads in agreement.

After putting the boxes away, they all sat in the living room. Jimin pulled out Uno so that they could play until dinner was ready.

"Uno!" Tae yelled, placing down a yellow one on the discard pile.

The rest of them groaned and put their cards down,

"Tae, are you cheating? This is your third win in a row," Jimin groaned.

Tae giggled.

"I'm not cheating, it's just luck!"

The others smiled and laughed too.

"Well, I may have bad luck but let's play again!" Yoongi said.

"Yeah!" the rest of them agreed before shuffling and dealing the deck.

After a while, they all ended up losing to Tae, again.

"I don't understand how this is happening," Hobi shook his head.

"Me neither," Jungkook chuckled.

A smell suddenly wafted past all of their noses. In unison they all turned towards the kitchen, instinctively raising their noses up.

"Dinner!" Jin yelled from the kitchen. They all entered the dining room where Namjoon was clumsily setting the table, trying not to drop any of the fancy glass plates and cups he was holding.

Jin came out with a giant stuffed turkey, and ran back and forth from the kitchen after placing it down. Mashed potatoes, stuffing, cranberry sauce, corn, pumpkin pie, apple cider, you name it. It was like a more festive version of Thanksgiving.

They all sat down at the table, mouths watering and in complete awe.

"Thank you for helping me Joonie," Jin smiled at the alpha, getting a smile and kiss in return.

"This is amazing. Thank you so much Jin and Namjoon!" Hobi smiled.

The rest of the boys also thanked Jin and Namjoon, putting food on their plates and digging in.

After an hour, nearly the whole was gone except for a leftover turkey leg, and a few cups of stuffing and mashed potatoes.

"That," Jimin sighed, beginning to enter a food coma,"was amazing."

"Yeah it was," Yoongi smirked, happily taking another cup of apple cider.

"After we get the dishes done, we can open presents," Jin smiled. "Although, I can't do the dishes alone."

The other boys gave nervous smiles to Jin as they all walked to the kitchen, stomachs full of turkey and potatoes.
A/N: Hope you liked the chapter! Only one or two more chapters until the end of the story, and one or two more chapters until they get their Christmas presents 😉😏. I purple you! See you in the next chapter!

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