Chapter 10: Beach

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A/N: I noticed a lot of BTS color coded lyrics videos have been taken down for copyright, so i'm just going to do pictures and not songs with the pictures. Sorry! Also sorry for not updating yesterday! This chapter should be better!


Namjoon pulled up to the omega's house and the three omegas ran inside. They all decided to wear t-shirts and mid thigh shorts. Jin had a light pink tee with white shorts, Jimin had a light blue tee with ash brown shorts, and Tae had a light purple tee with black shorts. They looked at each other, putting on their sunglasses and nodding. They looked good.

They hopped back into the van, and Namjoon drove to the alpha's house. This time the four alphas ran inside and each put on swim shorts. Jungkook had red shorts, Namjoon had dark blue shorts, Hoseok had orange shorts, and Yoongi had minty green shorts. They grabbed towels and chairs, and a large beach umbrella.

They put the beach stuff in the van and got inside, Namjoon starting the engine for the third time.

"Ready for the beach?" Jin yelled.

"Yeah!" everyone cheered as Namjoon drove off.

The beach was empty, as it was a school day and most adults were at work at this time. They had the whole beach to themselves. All seven boys ran onto the beach, the warm sand running through their toes.

"Ah it's hot!~," Tae yelled.

Everyone laughed as Tae ran around trying to cool his feet off. Namjoon and Jin set up a large picnic blanket, putting two beach chairs on it. Namjoon stuck the umbrella behind the chairs, and almost the whole picnic blanket was shaded.

Seagulls cried, flying and walking all over the beach. They stared at the boys, looking for food. Although, the omegas had decided that they were just looking for friends and hugs- not just food.

The waves crashed against the sparkling sand, the warm sun shining down on the boys. Light bounced off the water, creating a shining reflection.

"Why aren't we swimming yet? Let's go!" Jimin yelled as he ran to the ocean. Hoseok and Yoongi ran to the water, immediately splashing each other playfully. Namjoon and Jin sat in the chairs, watching everyone like parents watching their kids. Jin was sipping on an iced tea, which he had grabbed from the cooler next to him that Namjoon packed. Namjoon seemed to have fallen asleep, sunglasses on and all.

Jungkook turned to Taehyung. "Are you going to go in?"

Tae looked down at his feet, wiggling his toes in the sand.

"I-I.. um..," Tae looked at Jungkook, a bit embarrassed.

"Can you not swim?" Jungkook whispered in Tae's ear. Jungkook's hot breath against his face made Tae blush slightly.

"No I c-can't," Tae stuttered embarrassed. Jungkook just smiled at him, bunny teeth and all.

"I can help you little omega," Jungkook tilted his head at Tae. Tae nodded and jumped up a little.


"Really!" Jungkook grabbed Tae's wrist and they ran to the water, laughing. Yoongi, Jimin, and Hoseok were already in the water splashing, so Jungkook moved to the left of them.

"Don't want their rough housing to cause you to drown pretty boy," Jungkook smirked at Tae, who's face became flushed with the sudden nickname- pretty boy. Pretty little omega was one thing, but pretty boy made him feel different. His heart started beating in his chest. Stop! You don't like Jungkook that way! Tae squeezed his eyes shut as his heart rate calmed down.

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