Chapter 36: Wanna Bet?

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A/N: I'm tired so here's the very late chapter! I love you all! UwU

A/N: I'm tired so here's the very late chapter! I love you all! UwU

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Jimin, Hoseok, and Yoongi were walking from school at lunch time, wanting to eat some fast food for lunch instead of whatever mysterious slop was being served in the cafeteria that day.

They were all walking side by side in comfortable silence before Jimin spoke up.

"How much do you wanna bet Tae and Jungkook have had sex already today?"

Hoseok turned to him, as if to challenge the omega.

"How much do you wanna bet they've had sex multiple times today?"

Yoongi rolled his eyes but decided to join in too.

"How much do you wanna bet they had shower sex specifically?"

The other two boys looked at Yoongi, faces blank and emotionless.

Until they started laughing so hard that passerby's were staring at them worried.

Jimin was practically crying by the time he stopped laughing.

"I'll bet you a blowjob i'm right," Jimin giggled.

The other two agreed.

"Alright, deal it is," Hoseok said with a chuckle as they arrived at their fast food restaurant of choice- Chili's.

The three walked in and immediately got in line at the register. The only other people in front of them was a smelly and ratty looking hobo and some emo kid with black hair, clothes, boots, etc.

"Hi welcome to Chili's," the cashier said.

(A/N: Yes I just did that ^)

"May I take your order?"

"Three chicken tacos, two colas, and sprite," Hoseok gave their order to the cashier with his iconic heart smile.

The cashier gave a fake ass smile as he nodded and put their order in.

"That'll be 12.72," the cashier stuck his hand out as Yoongi placed a ten dollar bill and a five dollar bill in his hand.

"You're order will be with you in a moment."

The three sat down at a table in the corner of the restaurant, Yoongi counting his change.

"Bro, this guy had the audacity to steal a penny and a dime from me!" the alpha fumed, pouting angrily as he counted his change.

Hoseok and Jimin laughed.

"It's okay, pretend you gave him a tip," Hoseok patted his back.

"Oh i'll give him a tip all right-,"

"Order 69?"

"That's us!" Hoseok raised his hand up as he headed to the cashier, taking their food and walking back to the table they had chosen.

Jimin was holding Yoongi back from attacking the cashier until the food came, which then distracted the alpha.

Jimin, Hoseok, and Yoongi had never eaten so fast, and been left so full by so little food.

"Those tacos were delicious- and they were huge," Jimin smiled happily as he slouched in his seat, rubbing his belly.

"Right? I've never seen a taco so big before!" Hoseok laughed as he took a sip of his sprite.

"I have never tasted anything that good," Yoongi patted his stomach as he slouched into his seat too.

"Are you sure about that?" Jimin and Hoseok winked at the younger alpha, who blushed slightly.

"I-I think we should go now, we're going to be late."

And with that the three boys threw their trash away before sprinting back to the school.

A/N: I just realized Chili's isn't a fast food restaurant, but a you sit down and get served restaurant. Oops. I'm too lazy to change it! See you on Wednesday! I purple you! 💜

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