Chapter 17: Sidetracked

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A/N: Super late update sorry! I feel as though i've been neglecting the jihope in this book, so this chapter is mostly jihope. Smut warning ahead! Yonnminseok will come up eventually don't worry!


Namjoon, Yoongi, and Jin had all run off to their english class, while Hoseok and Jimin had history.

They made it into their history class just in time, as the teacher started attendance the second they ran in. Panting heavily, the two boys sat in their seats in the back of the room, right next to the window.

"Where are.. Tae and.. Jungkook?" Jimin said in between breaths.

Jungkook and Tae were supposed to be in their history class with them, assuming they had just gone to the nurse for a quick fix up.

What Hoseok and Jimin didn't know was that the two fell asleep.

"I don't know.. Maybe something's taking longer than usual?" Hoseok ran his fingers through his slightly damp hair, a small sigh leaving his lips.

Jimin's face glowed a bright red as he stared at the older male.

So handsome.

Jimin was practically drooling when he heard the teacher call his name.

"Park Jimin!" the teacher yelled.

Jimin jumped, his face glowing even more red after he saw the whole class staring at him.

He silently raised his hand, and then put his head on his desk in embarrassment. A few people chuckled, but most didn't care much. Jimin zoned out a lot, so it wasn't unusual.

"Were you looking at me little omega?" Hoseok leaned closer to Jimin as the teacher started his lesson.

Jimin looked up blushing.


"Are you sure? Cause you seem to like what you see," the older puffed his chest out a little, showing the lines of rock hard abs underneath the alpha's shirt. Jimin stared at the older's chest, this time his mouth open in awe.

The older laughed and grabbed the younger's hand.

"Just going to the bathroom," Hoseok waved as he walked out of the classroom with Jimin, the teacher not caring at this point in his career.

The alpha brought the omega to the bathroom and once inside he shoved him against the wall.

"You know, you shouldn't be tempting me at school, you bad boy," Hoseok put his hand on the younger's cheek. "Now I think I need to punish you."

Jimin felt weak under the older's gaze and strong presence. His eyes looked the alpha up and down, his facing getting redder and redder every inch he soaked in. His legs felt like jelly as he put his hands on the wall to keep himself up.

Hoseok licked his lips as he moved to the omega's neck and started leaving sloppy kisses and small bite marks, as well as a trail of dark red hickeys.

The younger moaned at every touch from the older, wanting more and more from Hoseok.

"A-alpha," Jimin moaned as he put his legs around the older's waist.

Hoseok smirked. "Begging for me so soon? I don't think I should treat you right away, since you were such a bad boy teasing me in class."

Jimin moaned as the older continued to leave hickeys on his neck and collarbone.

The alpha removed both of their shirts, and the younger's pants.

Hoseok moved down to the younger's chest, licking and sucking at his hard pink nipples.

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