Chapter 53: Christmas Special Part 4

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A/N: I'm so sorry for waiting so long to write this! But after reading the ending of last chapter i'm so motivated to write this one! 😏 You all know what's coming! Enjoy!

Jungkook walked upstairs, Taehyung thrown over his shoulder. Taehyung had both his and Jungkook's presents in his hands, face flushed red as the alpha opened the door to their room.
He put the younger down, grabbing the lube and putting one of the strawberry flavored bottles on the nightstand.

"Alright go get this on," Jungkook turned Tae around and pushed him gently into the bathroom.

Taehyung nodded, closing the bathroom door and taking his clothes off. He slipped the lingerie on, then the socks. He placed the cat ears in his fluffy hair and attached the cat tail to the butt plug.

He breathed in deeply before taking two off his fingers and sucking on them. He then took his fingers and plunged one into his ass. He stifled a moan, face getting hotter than before. He added a second finger, scissoring his ass slightly.

When he finally was stretched out he slipped the butt plug in with a quiet moan. He stood there adjusting, breathing heavily before turning and opening the bathroom door.

He saw Jungkook, shirtless, lying on the bed. He had one arm propping his head up, the other lying on his side. When he saw Tae, his eyes turned into an intimidating mixture of lust and love.

Taehyung shyly walked towards Jungkook, fluffy hair and cat ears bouncing gently, the cat tail doing the same.

"Baby, you look so hot right now," Jungkook almost drooled looking at the red faced boy.

Taehyung just blushed finally making eye contact with the older. He gulped as Jungkook got up off the bad and stood above him. He leaned down, their lips meeting and moving together hungrily.

Jungkook grabbed Tae's ass, massaging it in his hands. The omega moaned, giving the alpha a chance to let his tongue enter Taehyung's mouth.

The younger moaned into the kiss as the older started leaving purple and red hickeys all over his neck and collarbone.

"P-please alpha," Tae moaned, feeling himself getting harder by the second.

"Please what?" Jungkook asked, teasing the younger as he threw him onto the bed.

"P-please fuck me," the omega's back arched as Jungkook ran his hands up the side of his mate.

"As you wish," the alpha threw off his pants and boxers, hair parted and sweat on his chest.

Tae gasped as he saw Jungkook's giant member.

He squirmed as Jungkook left more sloppy kisses and hickeys, littering his chest with bites and swarms of red.

The older flipped him over, Tae's ass in the air as he clutched onto the pillow below him.

Jungkook grabbed the butt plug and slowly pulled it out, the younger releasing lewd moans the whole time.

"So need for your alpha, huh?"

"Y-yes. P-please fuck me n-now," Tae moaned as Jungkook teased him.

The alpha took the lube from the nightstand and squirted some onto his hands. He lathered it on his member, gasping slightly at how cold it was.

"Ready baby?"

"Y-yes alpha!"

Tae nearly screamed as Jungkook plunged his entire dick into his ass, immediately pulling out just to slam the whole thing in again.

Taehyung adjusted quickly, moaning and begging for the alpha to go faster.

Jungkook turned Tae to sit on his lap before thrusting in again. Tae began bouncing up and down, eyes lidded and moaning in pleasure. He continued until his thighs started shaking and Jungkook took over again.

He pounded into Tae, hitting his prostate over and over again. Tae had never felt this euphoric before. It was the best fucking of his life so far.

"I-I'm gonna come," Tae clenched around Jungkook as the familiar feeling spread through his stomach.

He released all over his chest, panting heavily.

Jungkook continued riding out his high until he felt like he was going to come too.

"T-Tae, I know we haven't done this before but," Jungkook groaned as he continued ramming his member into Tae's ass. "C-can I knot you?"

Tae had been waiting for a while to see if Jungkook was going to ask if he could knot him. He was ecstatic as he smirked at his alpha.

"P-please," and with that Jungkook thrusted in hard, staying still as the base of his member started inflating.

Tae gritted his teeth. He had never been this stretched before. Just as he got used to it, the older started shooting cum into his ass. Jungkook moaned loudly as he leaned over and kissed his omega.

Taehyung's eyes rolled back as he kissed his alpha back, never having felt this full before.

After a few minutes, Jungkook stopped releasing into him.

"Can we go to sleep now?" Tae asked, still breathing heavily.

"Sure. I'll clean us up in the morning okay?" Jungkook kissed Tae's cheek, the two falling asleep in each other's arms, and Jungcock's dick still in Tae's ass.


"Y-Yoongi!" Hoseok moaned out as he was rammed into.

Yoonminseok was in their room, also having sex. Yoongi was switching between Hoseok and Jimin's ass. The two bottoms were making out and leaving marks on each other, even taking turns giving each other blowjobs.

"I-I'm gonna come-," Hoseok released all over his and Jimin's chests. The omega licked some of the cum off his finger, smiling at the older.

"Hobi~ You taste so good~!" Jimin sweetly smiled before going back to hungrily sucking on Hoseok's lips.

Without warning, Yoongi released into Hoseok's ass, quickly pulling out and ramming into Jimin, who moaned as he too got filled with Yoongi's cum.

"T-thank you alpha," Jimin sighed in content, face red.

"T-thank you~," Hoseok smiled as the three cuddled up together and fell asleep.


"A-Alpha!" Jin moaned loudly as Namjoon fucked him up against the wall. Jin's neck and chest were littered with an assortment of hickeys.

"You look so beautiful babe," Namjoon moaned out, thrusting harder into Jin.

"I-I know," Jin moaned as the alpha chuckled. "Y-You're super hot too J-Joonie."

Namjoon laughed.

"I know."

Their lips met as their tongues danced, faces red as they parted for air.

"Alpha," Jin moaned as his eyes rolled upwards. Namjoon knew that meant his mate was about to release.

Jin released and covered his neck and chest. Namjoon continued fucking him, licking the cum off his omega. He continued thrusting until he too released into Jin's ass.

Namjoon stood there, one hand on the wall, the other on Jin. Only their heavy breathing was heard as their foreheads met.

"I love you so much," Namjoon kissed Jin's cheek.

"I love you so, so much," Jin kisses Namjoon's cheek. The older carried them to the bed and pulled out of his mate's ass.

They then cuddled up together and fell asleep.

The house was quiet as the cool, night breeze blew across the windows. Snowflakes began to fall, and all the boys were in their lovers arms.

The end.

Or is it?

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