Chapter 7: Is this Friendship?

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A/N: Hello everyone! I'm super tired so i'm sorry if this chapter ends up being crap! Anyways, here's the next chapter!


The next morning, Taehyung woke up to the sound of his alarm buzzing. He got up and got dressed as usual. He chose a slightly oversized grey sweater with black skinny jeans and white combat boots. He finished off the look with a small amount of eyeliner, and went downstairs.

"Morning TaeTae!" Jimin said as he handed Taehyung some toast for breakfast.

"Morning Jiminie!" Taehyung started munching on the toast.

"Where's Jin?"

"Jin is getting dressed still. That's why I made toast because he wasn't here cooking like usual."

Jin came down the stairs a moment later and yawned. "Morning Tae, morning Jimin."

Jin looked more tired than usual, but other than that he seemed okay.

"Crap I woke up late. I'll take my toast for the road. We should start walking," Jin took the piece of toast Jimin handed him, and the three omegas started walking to school.

"Today is going to be.. interesting," Jimin said as he finished his toast.

"Right? After what happened yesterday, it might be a little..," Tae looked down.

"Awkward?" Jin said and they all laughed.

"Well we have each other!" Jimin wrapped his arms around the others shoulders as they arrived at the school entrance.

"Well, you beat us to school omegas," the three omegas turned around to see the alphas- Jungkook, Hoseok, Namjoon, and Yoongi. They were all smirking.

"Aigooo! Jiminie you look so cute today in your black and white striped sweater!" Hoseok ran over to Jimin and put his arm around Jimin's waist.

"Hoseok-Hyung please, not now," Jimin blushed and pushed the alpha's hand off. This did not make Hoseok happy.

"Jiminie~! That's not how you treat your alpha! Do I have to punish you?" Hoseok leaned towards Jimin, and started tickling him.

"H-ha~! H-Hyung stop!" Jimin started giggling. Hoseok continued and Jimin started falling backwards from laughing so hard. Hoseok caught him and turned him around.

"Aish! Still so cute," Hoseok escorted Jimin into the building as the omega caught his breath.

"Those two," Taehyung rolled his eyes.

Jungkook walked up to Tae and put his arm around his shoulders. "What? Jealous of them? Trust me I can do better than that."

"No need Jung-," but before Tae could prevent the alpha from doing anything, he was already up in the air, being carried bridal style. "J-Jungkook!" Tae was embarrassed as other kids started looking at him and mumbling. He covered his face with his hands.

"P-please put me down, people are staring," Tae asked the alpha.

"Who cares about other people?" Jungkook said as he continued to carry Tae into the school. Once inside he put Tae down, Yoongi, Namjoon, and Jin right behind them.

Tae sighed. "You know, I thought we all agreed on being friends."

Jungkook smirked. "Yeah, boyfriends."

Tae facepalmed as he ignored the alpha. "In you're dreams. What happened yesterday was..," Tae turned a bright red. "It was nothing."

"Are you sure about that? You seemed to really be enjoying yourself," Jungkook whispered into Taehyung's ear. Tae felt his cheeks getting hotter and hotter.

"Let's j-just go to class. The others already walked by us," Tae dragged the alpha by the wrist to their next class, biology.

Once they got to the classroom, Tae and Jungkook sat down next to the other two omegas and the other three alphas.

"And what took you two so long huh?" Yoongi smirked at them.

Jungkook rolled his eyes. "Nothing- or I wouldn't be here right now. In fact I would be shoving my-," Taehyung put his hand over the alphas mouth as he looked down.

"Don't say another word," Tae looked at the alpha. The alpha just raised his eyebrow and licked Tae's hand.

"Ew!" Tae pulled his hand away and wiped it on his pants. "Did you just lick me?"

Jungkook shrugged. "Maybe."

The others thought that these two bickering was too funny. They were obviously made for each other- well, to everyone but them.

"Where is the teacher?" Jin said resting his head on his hand. Namjoon turned to look at Jin.

"I think she's late. More time for us to flirt though."

Jin blushed as Namjoon planted a kiss on Jin's cheek.

"So I know we decided we were all friends yesterday, but at the rate this is going shouldn't we just say we're couples?" Jimin questioned.

"No because we aren't couples," Jin replied.

"Yet," the alphas snickered as the omegas just rolled their eyes.

The door opened a second later and the teacher, a small lady with short black hair and a small pair of glasses walked in.

"Sorry i'm late! Let's just jump straight in shall we? Open your books to page 112!" Mrs. Lee the biology teacher said.

Everyone turned to page 112. Jungkook immediately started feeling bored. Nothing exciting ever happened in this class. The alpha sighed, looking over at Tae who seemed to be half asleep.

"Hey little omega~," Jungkook whispered into Tae's ear. Tae jumped a little, shocked at the sudden noise. His face flushed slightly as he turned to the alpha.

"W-what? And don't call me that."

"Why? It suits you. Would cute omega work better?" Tae rolled his eyes.

"Just tell me what you wanted."

"I wanted to know if you would be my partner for biology?" Jungkook asked smirking.

"Ugh fine but only because I don't like the other kids, and Jimin and Jin are partnering up with the other alphas," Tae pointed to Jin and Namjoon whispering to each other, and Hoseok and Yoongi whispering things into both of Jimin's ears. Jimin was a bright red.

"Nice! Now, wanna study chemistry? Together?" Jungkook smirked.

"We're in biology, not chemistry dumbass. But nice try," Tae leaned his head in his hand.

The bell finally rang as the teacher dismissed them. "I want those projects due by the end of the week!"

The three omegas and four alphas all walked out of the class. They stood by their lockers doing break.

"So what should we do now that we have free time?" Jimin asked Tae and Jin.

"Well I think we should go do something like..," Jin started thinking about what they could do.

"Karaoke! We should go to that one karaoke place!" Tae jumped around excited.

"That's a great idea Tae!" Jimin grabbed Tae's hands and they spun around.

"Alright let's go!" Jin said and the three started heading for the school entrance.

"Ah, hold on a moment," Jungkook grabbed Tae's shoulder.

"Oh my mistake," Tae cleared his throat. "Would you four like to come with us?" Tae said in a fake sweet voice.

"Yes we would! Thanks Tae," Jungkook grabbed Tae's waist and started walking to the entrance, the other five close behind.


A/N: So yes- the alphas are being a bit pushy so soon after they decided to be friends. (Rip omegas) But now they are heading to a karaoke room. The perfect place to flirt in secret! (Lmao) See you tomorrow! I purple you! 💜

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