Chapter 40: Loudest

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A/N: Only now did I realize this story has too much smut- oops.

I'm running out of ideas of what they should do, so comment some ideas or if you want more drama or something! Anyways back to the story-


"Okay so how are we doing this again?" Jimin asked, a little confused about how their moan challenge was going to be set up.

Namjoon face palmed with a sigh, Jin rubbing soothing circles into his back.

"Really? This is the third time I've had to explain it to you," Jungkook shook his head and pinched the bridge of his nose in anger.

"I'm sorry I just don't get it!" Jimin shrugged his shoulders innocently.

Tae walked over to Jimin and put his arm around the other male's shoulders.

"It's okay! Just follow what we do, okay?"

Jimin nodded in response, smiling and thanking his best friend for not giving up on him like everyone else did.

After a long day of preparation and planning, they all met in the living room at 7:00 pm.

Jungkook cleared his throat.

"I now declare this Moan Challenge officially started."

"Who gave you the role as leader of this challenge?" Namjoon asked, raising one eyebrow as he looked at the male with a smirk on his face.

"Um, I did bitch. So if you'll excuse me, the challenge is now started."

Everyone nodded before the room went into an awkward silence.

"So um, who's going first?" Tae asked, looking down at his purple slippers to avoid eye contact.

All the boys looked at each other.

"Well shit I knew we forgot something," Jungkook sighed.

"See this is why you are the only one the appointed yourself leader. We planned all day and you couldn't even figure out the order of who's going first, second, third?" Namjoon was done at this point, rolling off the couch with a loud sigh and face planting.

"Joonie are you okay?" Jin asked, crouching down next to his boyfriend.

"I just want to stop losing brain cells at a rate of hundreds per second," Namjoon said, his voice muffled by the fluffy carpet.

"Should we just call this challenge off? I mean, I think it's kind of stupid..," Tae looked at the others for a response.

It was obvious that Jimin had relaxed at Taehyung's proposal.

"I definitely don't want to do it. It's pretty stupid and I thought I was the only one who thought that!" Jimin laughed with a sigh, Namjoon whipping his head up.

"All in favor of discarding this stupid idea say fuck."





"Fuck no!" Jungkook yelled, crossing his arms.

Tae crawled over to his grumpy pouting boyfriend, whispering into his ear.

"I know you wanted to try out the new stuff we bought, but we can always use it a different time."

At this thought, Jungkook gave a small nod.

"Fuck," he mumbled, the others just laughing at how stubborn he was.

"How about you Yoongi-?" Hoseok asked turning to the alpha, who had fallen asleep on the couch.

Everyone started laughing, Jimin and Tae rolling on the ground trying to catch their breath.

"I-I can't b-breathe!" Tae choked out, face red with laughter.

"M-my stomach is killing m-me!" Jimin laughed, face redder than Tae's.

Yoongi moved slightly on the couch, all the loud laughter and other assorted noises bothering him.

"Can you guys shut the hell up i'm trying to sleep here..," Yoongi mumbled before turning over and falling right back to sleep.

They stopped laughing for their sake, not wanting to mess with Yoongi. They finally all decided to just watch a movie while cuddling under soft, fluffy blankets instead, falling asleep on the couch and having dreams of partying and having fun together.

A/N: After getting some feedback and inspiration i'll try to make better chapters! I at least have a Thanksgiving special chapter(s) to write! See you in the next chapter! I purple you! 💜

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