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Park Jimin's POV

A year ago

"..... In conclusion Earth about a million years ago was occupied by Humans, due to the growing pollution that they themselves created , there population started dying and eventually went extinct but because of this the less dominant races, namely Werewolves and Vampires who used to stay away from humans and would prey on them for food started to take over. And now here we are Mother Earth is alive and beautiful with us living because of her"

I was bored, really bored this was an everyday routine in history class. Talk about how we the mighty werewolves and vampires dominated this world. During this class all I think about is my birthday, the day I get to know of my identity.

I start daydreaming as I try to concentrate on the subject.

Vampires and werewolves are separated by the holy boundary.
Why do that? When the world was still being taken over by Vampires and Werewolves a lot of them mated and had hybrid kids, some of these kids died at birth which was a great loss to the then small population of vampires and werewolves.
The ones who lived were considered to be dangerous, even if they were just children they would destroy whole cities and eat their own kind hence the boundary was created so that no such mating could ever take place.

Before the age of 16 all the werewolves are sent to the same school, with the aim that we stay united, but the day we turn 16, also known as the 'Coming Of Age' day we are sent to three different universities hence segregating us in three different units.

First the Alpha unit, where the children are trained to kill and protect their families, they are free to choose their careers and are basically the upper class of my world. Alphas are rare just like omegas but because they are strong and lethal they are respected in the society

Second, the Betas, basically the working class of the society, their ratio is more as compared to Alphas and omegas, most parents wish their child to be a beta rather than an alpha or omega as the life of a beta is considered to be much simpler and danger free.

Third, the Omegas, rarest of them all, these children are groomed to serve the betas and Alphas. As their mates or sex slaves? That is the decision that your fate makes.
They are also known as breeders if they are mated, and if not, they are known as sluts of the Society who satisfy unmated Alphas during their ruts. If you are lucky enough and find a mate, your life turns into heaven and your children live a life of luxury, if not, your child is taken away from you and sent to orphanages.

I was born from a beta family, but both my parents died while fighting against the rogue vampires who crossed the boundary of our world.

That's why I know I will be a beta. But still, I am scared because even though ranks are hereditary there are rare cases.
None of us really know who we will become, all I know is if I am not an Alpha or Beta I will suicide.
I don't like to be tamed and if death is the only way to escape I will take that path gladly
It's not that Alphas or Betas can't have children but Omegas are the highest priority. Some Omegas are forced for breeding while others except it with open arms.

The school bell rang getting me out of my trance
"OK class, you can leave now except for Lisa, Jennee and Ryan, please meet Mr. Smith for your blood tests",
Oh yes, how can I forget today is Jennee, Lisa, Ryan's 16th birthday, today their fate will be told to them.

I really can't wait for my birthday, which will be tomorrow, I can't wait to show that Jeon Jeongguk that I am not going to be some omega sex toy he can play with.

My school was filled with idiots, the biggest one being Jeon Jeongguk. He was the first one amongst all of us to leave this school, his blood test results proved that he was an alpha, and will be sent to Alpha camp for further studies. Everyone knows him, he is the son of his Highness Alpha Kim Seokjin.

Everyone also knows about Jeongguk's undying crush on me.
Also that the only reason he wants me to be an Omega is because he knows that if I am a beta I will be allowed to choose my partner but if I am an omega, after a year of my grooming, I will be presented to numerous buyers on auction day, a day every omega has hated.

Some Omegas are lucky to fall in love with their buyers, I don't believe it's love I believe it's Stockholm syndrome.

I start to pack my bag as I leave school and walk home or should I say the Orphanage.

Yeah I know I am slow at updating but I swear I will update regularly, atleast for this story😅.
Love all the readers who read the story!!!!!💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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