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third person pov

Jimin stared in Taehyung's eyes.

'You are telling me to leave you here? Tae, i don't want to hurt your pride but we both know he is stronger than you!' Jimin struggles to speak through tears, he didn't want Taehyung near Jungkook, Jungkook would kill Taehyung with no hisitation.

'So now you think i am weak?'

'You know i don't think of you like that Tae, don't make this dificult, please let me help you', Tae slowly closes his eyes and presses the bridge of his nose with his thumb and index finger. 'Sarah has trained me for self defence, and also i am mated to you now, he wouldn't want me anymore',

'That's what i am scared of, when he finds out you are mated to me, he would kill you, and i did rather see you mated to him than him kill you, you know, i did rather see you alive '

'Jimin, Tae, there is not much time, the soldiers will be here anytime now, please decide fast'

Taehyung opened his eyes, his purple eyes were glowing, Jimin loved Tae's glowing eyes, 'Okay, Jimin, you will fight, we will gather all the children and anyone who is pregnant or injured and take them to the underground train because saving these people is more important than killing Jungkook , you will fight along with me, but on one condition'


'If anything happens to me, if i get caught or if i die, you will not try to save me, you-'


'Let me finish, you will get on that train with the others and run away, do you understand me?'

'I fucking hate you Tae', Jimin grumbles as he loads two machine guns which were kept on the table amongst other guns and wore a bulletproof vest and kicks the door open, firing them on any and every soldier that came in his view, he could see Taehyung trailing behind guarding him calling out his name, telling him to stick to him, but right now, Jimin had gone crazy, he was angry, with Jungkook and Taehyung and is life, all he wants is some peaceful moments with his mate, but no, Jungkook wouldn't let him have that, he wouldn't let him live, and right now all his mind could think of was killing Jungkook, but all this just had to be complicated by his mate Taehyung,

why does he not want me to fight? Is it because i am an Omega? Does he feel i can't take care of myself, i don't need anyone for protection, not even Taehyung, I am going to take Jungkook down, i want to see him burn in front of my eyes

Its not that Jimin didn't want to save the Smeraldo citizens , its just that he knew that with the help of Sarah and Kai none of them will get hurt, and right now he just wanted to find Jungkook and kill him.

He ran towards the exit from where all the Soldiers were coming inside Smeraldo, killing them , his arms and legs moved mechanically, he had no feelings for the Soldiers, he didn't care if they were good or bad, he just wanted to kill Jungkook, before he catches Taehyung.

He did not agree with Tae , no he could not allow Jungkook get near Tae, he didn't care if he died by the hands of the monster himself, if anything, it would be better if he died rather than watching Jungkook take away the only man he ever loved.

Jimin had only truly loved three people in his life.

His father, mother, and Taehyung.

He didn't want Taehyung to leave him just like his parents did, Jimin was young , naive and helpless when his parents died, but he is not the same person that he was years ago, now he was a grown up man who could take care of himself. He had felt love after so many years of loneliness, and for that love he was not going to listen to anyone, not even his mate. No, he wanted to protect him, he didn't care if everyone thought of him as some weak omega, for all his life he had hated the Omegean status, and for the past four years he had hated himself for being an Omega, but after being mated he understood the power that every Omega held.

And their power had a name.

Love. The feeling that was stronger in Omegas compared to everyone else.

Jimin was using that power to kill anyone and everyone who came in his way, he was irritated now, all he wanted was to run on a beach laughing getting chased by Taehyung, he wanted to end this war, and that was only possible by killing that monster.

He climbed up the stairs and ran outside the house exiting Smeraldo only to be met by even more soldiers.

They all had their weapons pointed towards Jimin.

Jimin just stood there, trying to process the scene, he couldn't see Jungkook anywhere, only the soldiers.

How was he going to get past them?

'Surrender yourself and we might just not kill you', an Alpha soldier roared, Jimin knew he was an Alpha due to his scent.

No, Jimin was not going to surrender, he was never going back to that hellhole, he was unmated back then , one of the reasons Jungkook had kept him alive, If Jungkook found out that Jimin is mated, he would do something worse to Jimin than killing.

And Jimin wasn't brave enough to face that.

And so he started firing mindlessly.

He could feel the bullets piercing the vest but he did not care, his brain was telling him to kill.

During the chaos he didn't see a soldier running out of the house, advancing towards him, and just when he looked behind Taehyung had that soldier in a headlock separating the head from the body , he looked at Jimin angrily, and grabbed him from the waist with one hand while the other hand threw a grenade at the soldiers.

And then a loud deafening blast was heard.

Namjoon who was guiding the citizens to the underground train and fighting side by side with Sarah , Bora and Kai signaled the three to cover for him while he went up to check what happened.

He climbed out of the gateway and walked out of the house.

Dead Soldiers surrounded the place.

He took a deep breath in the smoked filled air only to find out that there was no trace of Tae's or Jimin's scent.

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