The Past

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When me and Jeongguk were young we used to fight a lot, since the day we met, that was when we both turned four, we hated each other, but some how he was really similar to me, at one time, maybe when we both were ten or something we made a truce between each other, and somehow became friends too, he used to tell me about his father Jeon Jinsung wants him to be an alpha while he doesn't want to be, we didn't know we were brothers but somehow i knew we were related in some way, he never smelled like the other wolves while other wolves smelled like food, his scent stank to me, and yet we were some how friends, one day, both our parents, Kim SeokJin, and Kim Namjoon told us that we were brothers and that it was a secret to be kept from the world, we didn't understand why, we were both kids and didn't understand a lot of things, but we didn't ask them any questions just agreed with whatever they said, when we were twelve he told me about a boy in his school and how he had a crush on him, by then we shared almost every thing with each other, it was also that time when i met Hoseok and Yoongi in my school, they used to always hang out with each other, and while everyone made fun of me for being weird and quiet, they treated me like i am some normal Vampire, many times Hoseok would stay with me at my house because his father worked with my dad , that also strengthened my relationship with him , it was when i turned fourteen that things started to change, my father, the vampire king himself had already told me that i was different and through some research i found out i was a hybrid i mean, that was the only way how me and Jeongguk could be brothers, when i told Jeongguk about it when i met him again, he punched my face, it was at some party , that was the same party where me and Jeongguk fought like animals because he disagreed with me, he kept saying that hybrids are a myth and that Jeon Jinsung is his father, he even said that his own dad was lying about us being brothers, we didn't meet for almost three years, in those three years i got to know that Jeongguk was consuming some kind of pills to curb his hybrid instincts, after that when we met again after the three years he acted like he doesn't know me, i felt sad at first, but i adapted to his behavior, and now here we are, me sailing this ship towards land, towards the human country Japan, i had to reach Tokyo as fast as i can, i can't even think of what my Omega must be going through right now, what lies must have Jeongguk filled in his head.

When we reach there, and are leaving, my dad stops me and asks , 'Can you promise me something?',


'Don't kill Jeongguk, save Jimin, but just don't kill Jeongguk', he pleads.

'I can't promise you anything father, i will try not to kill him', i say, me and Hoseok get off the ship and wait for dad to get down, but he tells us he will stay there with the injured guards and take them to the hospital to get treated, he assures us that he will be fine and that we should move on without him.

When we were near the purple house we both hide behind a tree looking around for a way to get in, we see Yoongi walking towards us, as if he knew we were coming, looking around to check if someone was present or not then ran towards us. He took out a bottle of pills, called 'Universal scent suppressants', and gave us both one pill each, we gulped it down without water, just when i started walking out of our hiding place, Yoongi stopped me and hugged me.

'Now is not the time Yoongi', i say in a grim voice.

'I knew uncle Seokjin would get you out of that ship safely, i am sorry to both of you', he looks at me and says 'i didn't mean to do whatever i did, if i hadn't helped him, he would have killed Hoseok, he told me to create a kind of liquid that could slowly kill you, he chained you up with Hoseok so that if you didn't die, the guards would see that and could easily kill Hoseok, but i risked it, i made the liquid that would make you unconscious for a while , and asked uncle Jin to save you and Hoseok before you wake up ', i hug him tightly in my arms and say, 'Its okay Yoongi, you did this for your love i would have done the same, we don't have time to talk about this tell me how is Jimin',



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