Mark him

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TaeHyung's POV

he looks so peaceful when he sleeps, maybe it was too rough for him, but he did not say anything to stop me from making love to him, if anything he was encouraging me, encouraging me to hold him tighter, to bite him more, to go deeper, my Jimin is wild is a wild man in bed.

It didn't take me much time to figure out that something was unusual about him. His scent, his looks , his behavior, everything, even the way he moves, so delicate, like a dainty flower floating in the ocean. Its almost as if he was made to be protected from this harsh world, and i wanted to be that protector. 

I trail my fingers down his skin tracing his spine as i keep staring at his beautiful soft face, he dyed his hair blonde which makes him look even fluffier than he already is.

Right after our first encounter i tried to research about unusual behaviors in vampires. Vampires are considered to be cold inside out, we don't usually fall in love unlike wolves who have multiple mates for breeding, we have very rare soul bonds, its one of the reason why our population is so low, at first i thought i have a soul bond with Jimin, because to me its practically impossible to be to be in love with someone, i always dreamt of my life where i would be married to a man or woman for business reasons, but never for love.

Yes i have considered to marry Jimin, A Rare MALE Omega.

The scent was the first clue, i had read in history books about how when wolves and vampires lived together, the Vampires would fall for Omegas, for their flowery scents, they were the only type of wolves who didn't stink to Vampires. Then came those heat suppressant pills that i found in his room once. by now i was sure he was an Omega, Vampires don't use such pills. i didn't tell him though that i knew his secret, i did give him hints though.

when i was sure he is a wolf, my first thought was to kill him , best was to kill him in his sleep, i would never like to see his hurt face while i do that , maybe that's why i planned the killing that way. I thought he was using his beautiful scent to make me fall for him, just like what Omegas did in the olden times. But why would he do that? is he a spy sent by the wolves, to take my empire? But before making such hasty decisions, i wanted to wait.

As i got to know him better, i understood that what i had for him before wasn't love, just an obsession for his scent, i guess it wasn't love at first sight for me like they told in movies and books, i mean i really wanted to kill him, but as i got to know him better , i fell in a his love maze even deeper and started doubting my plan to kill him. Is it really that necessary?  I am different from Vampires and Wolves , if they found out who i was they will kill me too, then why am i being like this to Jimin?he is truly harmless to my empire, he isn't a spy, then why should i kill him? I was already swimming in his sea of love,  when i finally admitted that yes i am in love with this beautiful wolf, and will forever protect his identity from the world, even if it resulted in my death. We are imperfect for this world, he ran away from his home and i am an unusual  breed, if we both could protect our identity  till now, maybe we will be able to do that for all our life.

I am hellbent to make him mine now, to give him a life full of freedom, and the only way to do that is to mark him . To complete our bond, we might not be soulmates, but we will forever love each other more than soulmates, we might not be made for each other, and yet we are fit for each other.

That's why i am taking him to the Wolf world, one time. I want him to see his world one last time, before he comes back to my world forever. I will ask him to marry me, and tell him that i accept him as he is, i will also tell him who i am, and if he still loves me and cares for me, he will be my prince and i will bow down to him for life, and if doesn't, i will allow him to leave me without any constraints ,if he wants to stay back in his old world , and if he wants to continue his old life here in the Vampire, i will do everything to protect his identity.

It was why i murdered Taemin, he is one of Jimin's friends at the dance studio, i was jealous when i saw the picture of him laughing with him,  when i went to his house i had the intentions of torturing him, but when i saw all those close up pictures he had taken of Jimin, pictures of him sleeping, eating , and even videos, what really blew my mind was when i saw the live feed of Jimin walking around in his house , yes Taemin was video recording Jimin's every move, that's why i murdered him , and even though i went to Jimin's house to destroy all the hidden  cameras that were placed in his house by that Taemin, i ended up making rough love to him and then destroyed all the cameras while he slept.

Jimin opens his eyes and smiles when he sees me sleeping beside him, he comes closer to my side and snuggles in my chest deeper.

Oh how i wish there weren't any complications in our life and we could live a normal life.



this is all fiction... i know everyone knows that...but i just wanted to say that :3

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