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1 k reads nice!!

I will of course continue this book, but I am also going to start writing Geeky Mafia boss, I feel I have been neglecting it, a lot (hehe)
By the way, character description :

Park Jimin:
He was 16 when he escaped Omega House, almost 17 when he met Taehyung , and now currently he is 18.
Is an Omega disguised as a Vampire, is really sweet with everyone, but is stubborn in a positive way. He takes scent suppressant pills to hide his scent from both Vampires and Wolves,(how can Tae smell him then?). He wants to build his own career, and believes in freedom of all omegas. He gets very suspicious of taehyung's real identity but after some point when he realizes he loves him, he says he doesn't care what is tae's Identity , he promises himself to be by his side for as long as he can as this society won't allow their kind of love.

current hair color: blonde, (read chapter, "Monster in my house")

Jeon Jeongguk

Age: current age is 20


A Hybrid Alpha, who went through alot in his childhood (read chapter,,"Jeon Jeongguk","It a relief to be an Alpha", "nice days"), he had a small crush on Park Jimin, but as he started growing up it grew into an Obsession. He is given a certain type of pills(which one?), to control his Hybrid self, as he cant control his urges unlike his twin.

He also conducts a secret mission to free all omegas, you can read in other chapters for more info.

Current Hair color: Black

Kim Taehyung

Age:current age is 20

description:A hybrid Vampire, he is very mysterious, and does not allow anyone to get to know him except for his dad and his two friends, falls for Jimin over time , loves his twin but started distancing himself from him when his twin started behaving wierd, he never took any pills to curb his Hybrid urges, he learnt over time how to control his thirst, but sometimes he looses control.

Current hair color: silver

Kim Seokjin

Age:45 but looks like he is in his 20s

description: An Alpha, who has had his own struggles in his love life(Read tale of two brothers pt1), loves his sons a lot, when he was younger he tried to conduct the same mission that Jeongguk is currently successful in, he was forced to shut it down because his father and his husband Jeon Jinsung did not approve of it.

Current hair color: strawberry blonde

Kim Namjoon
Age: 47
Description : A man loves his mate and children a lot, so much that he had to leave them for their own safety knowing that if he is with them, they would have to suffer  more hardships than they already do.

Current hair color: olive green

Min Yoongi
Description: he works under Taehyung as a scientist, and loves his mate Hoseok.
Current Hair color: blonde

Jung Hoseok
Age: 22
Description: he works under Taehyung as a scientist, and loves his mate Yoongi.
Current Hair color: orange

That's all for today!! Have a great day!

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