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Jimin's POV

'He left,'

I just sat on my bed like a zombie with no life staring at the man sitting in front of me who told me my fiance left me.

I got up in the morning smiling, i quickly showered and wore one of my favorite shirts, a loose black and white stripped long sleeved shirt and tight black jeans, and started packing my suitcase, me and Tae were leaving today, i was just so happy,  and all that happiness broke down like cracked glass pieces when i saw Jeongguk standing in front of my room door.

what ?', was all i could say as i looked in his hollow dark eyes. I was shocked to see him, I had locked the front door from inside and he had some how opened it, he didn't look shocked to see me here,  I mean I should have been at an Omega house or working somewhere, and NOT be present in a room assigned to a Vampire.

But somehow he isn't shocked by my presence and just walks inside.

He placed a document in front of me, and said, 'Its because of this.'

In front of me was a file about Kim Taehyung's medical details through the years, i flipped it open to see his photo on the right side of the page, his hair was black and he looked really young, almost thirteen or fourteen years old, so young and innocent looking, his face looked sullen and sad, and yet those beautiful purple eyes glowed through the picture.


BORN: 30/12/2190



'Hybrid?', wait what? Tae is a hybrid? and he never told me about it, he always did say he was different but never told me how.

'Yes, Tae told me about it-'

'This CAN'T BE TRUE!', i shouted, him leaving me here, hurt me more than learning the truth about his identity,'Why would he tell you and not me?'

'Yesterday morning we met for the meeting where i told him about my mission for freedom for Omegas being successful, at first he didn't believe me, but when he did he showed me this document and then told me about you', he pointed towards the document in my hand,' when he said your name and i immediately knew he was talking about you, i told him that it wasn't a good idea for you and him to be together, i mean, true love and all is great but, think about it Jimin, he isn't even a normal Vampire but a real hybrid, and so after understanding he said he is leaving you here with me, he didn't tell me where he went, but told me to not let you follow him, he told me today to let you keep that ring, as a souvenir from him', he said in a very calm voice while i tried to process his words in my brain.

No matter what Tae would never leave me, there is something missing in this link. I mean, he knew i would never stop loving him no matter what he turned out to be, then why?

What ever was the answer i could not find it out sitting here, and somehow i feel Jeongguk knows what's wrong with Tae. He will give me the answers i want, indirectly of course.

'How many people know about his identity?' i ask.

'Me and you and his parents'. His parents? why didn't he say the names? Kim Namjoon and his dead Vampire wife didn't give birth to him,that's for sure.   

I cover my face and shaking my shoulders, start crying, tears burn my eyes and nose.

I had learnt how to fake my tears when I still lived in the Omega house, most of the times the caretaker would beat us up, but sometimes, these tears helped me get away with small mistakes.

I covered my face making whimpering noises , while my smirk stayed on my face.

'Hey, it's all ok Jimin, i will take care of you', i hear Jeongguk say worriedly, i can feel him sitting at the edge of the bed and slide his arms around me, i instinctively hold his shirt in my fists and cry, i cover my mouth while my lips curl up in a smile,  I need his trust. 'Why would he leave me? i loved him so much!', i quivered, hiding my face in his shirt. I can't get out of this room if Jeongguk is here, he has become much stronger since high school, even if i try to run he will catch me, its better to cry and show myself as some vulnerable Omega for now, till i think of a plan.

Days go by but he does not leave me alone, he stays by my side and tells me he is here for me, and i just smile in his face, whenever he goes out of the room he locks me inside, and during that time i try to find a way to get out of this room, if i even do get out from the door the guards outside will catch me,  i even try to find my scent suppressants, but they are mysteriously gone from my bag along with my other pills, if my heat hits while i am here Jeongguk will surely take advantage of it, i had to think fast.

Hi guys, i love you for reading my book, its only because of these views that motivates me!!  Please do comment, i don't mind if they are good comments or bad, i just feel like my book is not...dead...or something...i dunno but i really love to read your comments! Have a good day everyone, stay healthy!

Sorry for the late update, and the grammatical mistakes :'(

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