The Escape

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A year later

Pain...that's all i could feel, i tried to distract myself from the pain, i couldn't scream, or should i say i... wasn't allowed to scream. Its only been a year but this place is eating me alive.

My first heat struck me just after a few days that i came to this place, my body over heated and it felt like my body had gone numb.

Today was nothing different, the pain was not constant, sometimes it would feel like i am living in an ice box, while sometimes i feel like i am being burnt alive , i had already consumed my two bottles of estrous Reduction liquid and nothing was left, if i am not mated i could die.

There was one problem though, i didn't want to mate, though my body wanted it my mind rebelled against it.

My willpower was what was keeping me alive since six days. Just one more day Jimin, that's all ,after that it will be over.

After one day

time: 2:30 AM

I try not to make noise as i start packing my bag, the one that i created during one of the grooming classes.I can't live here anymore, this place is real hell, it only looks beautiful from outside, but inside? No one knows what happens. We are treated like slaves here, chained on our beds when we go through heat, the so called caretakers threaten us to not scream during our heat , saying if we do they will send us to the Alpha Unit for free Entertainment. We wear the same clothes for three weeks, then wash the same clothes and wear them again. They would beat us, the Omega caretakers would beat us , taking out all their frustrations towards Alphas on us. They would tell us that this will be our life when we are sold off on auction day, that it would be up to our master about how he or she treats us.

The food that they serve here is decayed and not at all edible. I have seen my fellow Omegas eat rats because they didn't want to stay hungry.

I have seen my friends die in front of my eyes because the Heat over took their senses. And the ones who try to run away are raped and murdered by the unmated Alphas who lurk outside the fence of the Omega House.

Sarah was the first one. My beautiful room mate, just like me, she had dreams too, to become a neurosurgeon, during one of our classes (where we are taught to cook, and clean and behave like disciplined Omegas) she asked one of the caretakers for a medical book to read, she was beaten by a leather belt in front of us as if giving us a live example of what is going to happen if we tried to ask for anything, later that night, she told me she is running away.

I asked her where and she told me the Vampire World.

I feel guilty now because , i helped her to escape from this hell, but the moment she crossed the fence of the omega house, she was murdered by some Alpha wolves . I know this because i saw it through our room window. When i told the caretakers about it they ignored me .

And now i am taking the step that she took, i don't know if i will be alive, but at least i will be free.

I change into my old clothes, the ones that i wore before coming here, that is a blue shirt and black pants. I try not to make noise as i leave the Omega House. Just like everyday, the security is sleeping , i walk past them and climb over the fence, there is one advantage of being an Omega, we might be weak and small but our bodies are as flexible a cat's body. I climb the fence and jump making no noise, disappearing into the forest that surrounds this hell house.

Now all i need to do is cross the boundary without getting myself caught by any unmated Alphas.

While discussing about boundaries both the wolves and Vampires made a decision to divide the continents among themselves, it was decided that Asia , Europe, Africa  and Australia will be under the Werewolves while the other continents would be under the Vampires. The Omega House is located in Tokyo, Japan ..atleast that is what the humans called this place, wolves call it the Omega Breeding center.

Back in school i had learnt about how the some vampires would come over to our side of the world, sometimes to trade goods while sometimes to renew the peace treaty, and as per my knowledge , they were leaving today. The Omega House never allowed us to read or write, so me and Sarah used to always read the only newspaper that used to get delivered to the Omega House which was always kept in Ms.Elena's room, even after Sarah died i would sneak in Ms.Elena's room and read the papers, i had even drawn the map for leaving this place that's how i planned my escape.

They used private Jets  to travel. All i had to do was hop on one of these Jets and not get caught.

I had doused myself in a strong smelling perfume to hide my scent, as i was not in heat my scent was anyways weak and this perfume would practically make me invisible to the wolves and the vampires.

I had been walking for almost five hours and as per the map i was nearing the Airport.

I could smell about ten to fifteen betas at about 10 meter radius, i fished out the last deodorant that again i had created my self from natural ingredients that i had sneaked into my room from the parks, the kitchens and the bathrooms.

Till now i was safe, i had chosen the right day to escape, because the Vampires were present in this part of our world alot of wolves did not come out of their respective homes for adventure. Wolves and Vampires don't really like each other, especially the Alpha wolves , given that both have a possessive attitude, and would rather kill each other than talk, that's why Betas take care of such peace treaties, and Alphas are advised to stay home. Back in the day, when Vampires mated with wolves it was mostly with Omegas, one of the many reasons to keep us locked, Wolves are a threat to us but even Vampires won't let us live, but yes they are more civil as compared to the wolves, maybe its because our scent is not as strong to them as it is to Alphas and Betas.

I reach at the end of the forest, and see a road going towards the airport, passing through the security gates  is going to be hard.

With all my willpower i start running silently towards the airport.


I thought i knew what i was writing but now  i really don't know,

Thanks for reading !!!!

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