An old friend

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Kim Taehyung's POV

'What did you just say?'

'Jeongguk mated with him', he says, 'We will talk about it after we take him out of that house safely' ,  blood drains from my face as I stare at Yoongi shocked at his calm tone, Jimin just got raped and mated by my own brother,  but why would he, Jeon Jeongguk do that? Does he hate me so much that he forcibly mated with Jimin, do they have some history? I try to brush of the thoughts in my head and focus on the present situation,  I don't want to listen to anyone right now though so I  walk out of the hiding place, i sneak up to a guard and hit him hard on his head, making him faint, Hoseok copies me and does the same thing with another guard, we both drag them behind a tree and strip them of their clothes and wear them, i was Mark lee an Alpha wolf while Hoseok was Jaden Fallon, a beta wolf. We take out our identity cards and swipe them near the lock of the door, which after scanning opens, allowing us to enter the mansion.

The scent of a dying Omega hits my nose, an Omega with scent similar to a mixture of Lavenders and lilacs, scent of a unique flower, i run in the direction of the scent and break open the room door not caring if anyone heard me or not, only to hear a blood curdling scream come out from the room, the walls must be sound proof, because i couldn't hear anything from the outside, i rush inside the room and see my Jimin, naked, lying on the floor, screaming, his hair damp with sweat while blood was flowing out of his neck slowly, and Jeongguk was right above him, their legs intervened as he bit him on his shoulder making him scream even louder, i growled in anger and pull  Jeongguk off Jimin, punching his jaw so hard i could hear the crack of the bone, i punched him again in his ribs, then his face, then his stomach, i couldn't think straight while he howled maniacally in my face, this man isn't my brother, he is a monster, rage took over my thinking and i bit him hard in his neck ripping out the skin, i won't let him die so fast, i was going to torture him, bleed him to death, i kept punching him, loving the sound of his bones cracking, all he did was laugh in my face, Jimin screamed again, 'Its burning', i came back to my senses hearing him scream, right now Jimin was more important to me than this asshole, i walked past his half dead body and picked up Jimin, i wrapped a thick blanket that lay on a near by couch on his body and put my hands around his body and ran out the room, only to be stopped by the guards all over the place, i could feel my teeth protruding my mouth, my hybrid instincts taking over me, i crouched a little feeling my spine protrude, i growled loudly, i held Jimin near my chest protectively, with one hand as one by one every guard tried to attack us, i bit into them ripping out their flesh, , piercing my other hand through their body and pulling out their hearts, in no time all the twenty guards lay on the ground dead, i ran out of the house and saw Yoongi and Hoseok waiting for me, 'We need to leave', Yoongi looked at me and said, 'can we go back to the ship?' .

We reached there just to see a lot of reporters and common folk surrounding the ship, dad was standing in the middle of the crowd a reporter was asking him questions, we hid behind a large tree and listened to the conversation, 'Is it true sir that you helped a Hybrid prisoner escape ?'

'He is my son!' , my father shouts, some men surround him and hold his arms behind his back, 'Leave me alone, i am your king! You can't treat me like this, and i am not lying he is my son! Jeongguk and Taehyung are non identical twins!',

'As you can see the hybrid has clearly brainwashed his Highness Alpha Kim Seokjin, if anyone sees this man, he is a deadly Hybrid, please call on the number flashing below and save yours and other's lives',The reporter said in front front of the cameraman while my dad struggled behind him to get out of the grasp of the men holding him.

'Who told the media about this?', i whisper, patting my Jimin 's head who has gone silent and looks like he is sleeping with his small hands wrapping around my neck, his neck on the other hand has turned a dark shade of purple, the crescent bite marks on his neck weren't healing like normal mating bites do, if anything they had worsened and looked like black tar like liquid was slowly oozing out of his neck.

'Must be Jeongguk himself, he must have called the media and told them about you, a hybrid prisoner, he knew which ship were you on and must have told the media about it', Yoongi tells me.

Third Person POV

While Taehyung and Yoongi were talking, they didn't know that a dark skinned girl was hearing their conversation from afar, she walked up to their hiding place, and tapped on their shoulders, making them turn around and look at her scared.

Taehyung protectively wraps his arms around Jimin and opens his mouth shows his white protruding teeth to the girl, as if trying to scare her, she just says, 'I know Jimin, he was my friend a long time ago, i can help you all', she smiles, making the three men stare at her in disbelief, she starts walking away, holding out her hand, signaling them to follow her.

It doesn't take them much time to reach at the end of the forest, walking barefoot on the road, except for the girl, who had worn a green fluffy sweater,  woolen slacks and boots , she walked towards a car and opened the door of the backseat, Taehyung Jimin and Hoseok sit at the back, while Yoongi sits in front in the passenger's seat while the girl sits in the driver's seat.

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