The Sewers

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third person POV

because of the bomb blast almost all the soldiers standing outside had died, while the ones left were killed by Namjoon himself. Chaos is the only word that could describe the situation in Smeraldo, all the citizens were wearing bulletproof vests and were holding each other's arms creating many long human chains as they were safely seated in the underground train that went to China by Kai, Sarah, Bora, Minhyuk and Hyungwoo.

Unlike other citizens who were only taught basic skills for self defense, citizens like Kai, Sarah, Bora, Minhyuk and Hyungwoo were the ones who were specifically trained for the benefit of the society, and were called as the Protectors of Smeraldo.

'Kai! Bora! Get in the train with the others, Minhyuk, Hyungwoo and me will take care of this mess', Sarah said as she sliced a Soldiers neck as if she was slicing a piece of cake, clean and smooth.

No one was in the mood for arguing so Kai and Bora led the citizens down the large staircase towards the train and started the engine. Activating the magnets that were embedded in the railway track too, the train didn't work on fuel , but on magnets that were placed on the two ends of the track, one here in Smeraldo, in Japan, the other in Beijing, and because of the intense pull the speed of the train was extremely high.

Without looking back at Sarah or Minhyuk or Hyungwoo who were now at the stairs blocking the soldiers from following the citizens, once the citizens were settled , Bora sat on the driver's seat , with Kai sitting beside her and activated the Engine.


'Three-fucking-omegas! Do you really think you can take us all?', one soldier laughed as he locked Minhyuk's head in his arm and was going choke him when Hyungwoo shot him in the head.


'Hyungwoo!Minhyuk!Sarah! RUN', Namjoon growled loudly from above the stair case as he threw a grenade and cowered his ears, he saw the railway platform get destroyed and with that the three Omegas who were running towards him getting blown off and landing right on his feet.

He bent down to help the Omegas to walk and made them sit on the staircase.

He walked back inside the society only briefly looking around to check if any Citizen was left behind, he found a soldier limping towards him , before he could reach him Namjoon shot him in the head and continued walking towards his car as if nothing had happened.

He picked up the three groaning omegas one by one and made them sit inside the car, driving slowly through the now empty roads of Smeraldo, those roads that used to be once filled with happiness.

'W-where i-is Taehyung a-and J-jimin?', Sarah groaned.

Namjoon didn't look at her and said 'I don't know but i wish that where ever they are, they are safe'.

'Now what do we do?', Hyungwoo asked.

'well first we will heal you, then we as in me , you, Minhyuk, Sarah, Yoongi and Hoseok we all will load our guns and attack the purple house'

'have you planned this through your highness?', Sarah asked, to which Namjoon gave no answer.

Jimin's POV


We were inside some sewers, and this was all because of Taehyung, as he threw the grenade at the Soldiers he grabbed me by my waist picking me up from the ground and pulled me away from the blast running deep in the forest.

Or, thats what i thought, i didn't know we would be running towards the wolf city Tokyo only for him to open the lid of a manhole and push me inside it.

'WHY THE FUCK DIDN'T WE STAY BACK AT SMERALDO? JEONGGUK MUST BE THERE RIGHT NOW!', i screamed, trying to get out of his arms which were holding me upside down on his shoulders.

'PUT ME DOWN AS*H*OLE', only then when he put me back on my feet did i realize i was literally standing in shit, i pinched my nose with my index finger and thumb and glared at Taehyung.

'Stop staring at me like that?'

'We are surrounded by shit Taehyung , how should i look at you? With love?'

'You really think that Jeon Jeongguk would actually come to Smeraldo? He is smart enough to know that if he even stepped in there he wouldn't survive for five seconds, I mean, right after tracking Yoongi's location somewhere under the ground he wouldn't think "Oh WOW! MAYBE yoongi buried himself in there" right? He is intelligent enough to assume that there was some kind of settlement under that worn out house', Taehyung said through his hands that covered his mouth.

'SO now what?'

'Well , these sewers lead back to the purple house'

'How do you know that?'

'When me and Jeongguk were kids we would escape the purple house through these sewers, we were the next generation leaders, hence we were always under surveillance and tight security and were not allowed to visit the city, so we would either play in the house itself or, go through these sewers and explore the city, it was fun', he ducked down and walked though the narrow tunnel leading the way.

'You used to play with him? I always thought you guys were those kind of twins they show in the movies you know, the ones who want to kill each other since the beginning ? I never imagined the both of you behaving like actual brothers',

'You have watched a lot of movies', he groans,

'I didn't really have friends back in school, so i spent my free time watching movies and reading',i knew he said that rhetorically , he knows my obsession with movies, but i was in the mood to irritate him.

'Well, me and Guk have a long history, first we didn't know we were brothers, then we did, then he went mental and said its all just a stupid story blah blah blah, i will tell you sometime when we get out of this Sh*t literally '.

I nodded not understanding a word he said,' What do we do after we get to the Purple house'

'Well, you have those machine guns and i have those pills he used to eat to succumb his hybrid powers, i wouldn't call them powers though, more like , enhanced-cannibal-wolf-self, we will work out a plan', before he could finish talking i vomited.

'This place is F**king disgusting'.

Some more chapters and i will be done with this shitty story, :')

Love you readers :*

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