free Love

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Third person POV

Jimin hadn't been this happy since a long time.

He explored the city with Sarah and had his eyes wide with wonder as he gawked at the tall buildings.

He loved how the city did not discriminate between ranks, alphas, omegas and betas roamed freely on the streets with Vampires by their side. Everyone had a black collar on their neck. Sarah told him it was for safety, if ever any of these turned out to be spies they could easily electrocute them. All of them were on heavy dosage of scent blockers, which allowed them to walk around without any fear.

The city was a whole different world in itself, all kinds of love were respected, love between two omegas, which would be considered a sin by people living above the ground, was quite normal.  Hybrid children behaved normally among st all the other children, it was unlike the way they were portrayed in history books.

Taehyung of course defied the definition of being a "Monster" but after seeing Jeongguk he believed Taehyung was a special case, but that was not true.

Sarah told him that the Hybrids got special training to control their instincts, if only this practice was done before, the boundary would have been non existent,  he might have met Kim Taehyung earlier in his life. But he didn't ponder over that thought. He wanted to live in the moment. 

'So, in an Omega relationship who claims who?', he asks an Omega couple sheepishly, he felt like one of those Homophobic humans about whom he had read in Human history back in school, he could feel the Omegeans judging him, he wasn't against the relationship,he wasn't mocking them , he just  really wanted to know, so when he saw the couple in the mall trying on soft fluffy sweaters he just wanted to ask.

'No one'

'But you need to mate someone, i mean you need to breed, that how nature works right?'

'There is no written law that Omegas can't love each other in a romantic way, and we could adopt kids anytime we want'

'Don't you want that feeling to belong to someone?'

'We belong to each other, we don't need an Alpha or Beta or a Vampire for that'

'What if one of you found your soul bond, i mean its not present amongst wolves, but a Vampire can have a soul bond with one of you right?'

The two of them just smiled, holding eachother's hand and said, 'We will think about that later, now if you don't mind we need to leave', they gave me a tight smile and walked in the direction of the billing counter holding a bag full of fluffy cute clothes.

'You have no concept of free love do you?', Sarah asks Jimin.

He just shakes his head in shame.

He had struggled so much to except mhis love for Taehyung while the world is against them, but it wasn't considered unnatural, unlike an Omegean relationship, which was basically against the laws of nature, he had heard about such relationships but was always told by other people that it was just a phase or delusional.

But he didn't feel disgusted by it, he just got inspired by the couple even more. If they could except their identity and their love for each other and weren't afraid of anyone, why was he?

He sat in his room and spread all the new clothes on the bed feeling the texture and smiling to himself. He felt like he was back to his old life, the one he lived in the Vampire city.

He knew this happiness was temporary, until Jeongguk finds him and ruins it all, but unlike before, he wasn't afriad of him anymore.

'Hey love, did you buy this', Taehyung asks smirking as he picks up a lacy pink camisole, Jimin hadn't seen him come in the room, that's a specialty of being a hybrid he guesses, Jimin tries to snatch it but ends up slipping and grabbing Taehyung shoulder for support only to be caught up in his beautiful purple eyes, those eyes always brought him comfort, he stood on his tippy toes and kissed his lips softly.

Taehyung grabbed his thighs and hitched them on his waist while stripping him off his clothes, it had been a long time since they had been this close to each other.

Taehyung pulls out a condom packet from his jeans pocket but Jimin takes it from him and throws it away, making it fall somewhere on the ground, Taehyung looks at his mate pulling an eyebrow up,'Birth control?', he asks.

'No birth control,lets do it raw this time, i don't care if i get pregnant with your pups'

'really? you sure? you might regret it you know'

'Nah, i won't',

Taehyung didn't have abs like Jeongguk, he didn't have muscles like him, but he loved and respected Jimin. He wasn't your typical broody bad boy type, he was the sweet and fluffy kind, but also the one who would not give a second thought about killing anyone for Jimin.

After making love for hours, and cumming so many times that Jimin had lost count, they  slept wrapped around eachother with their arms and legs tangled, their scents clogging the room.

That night Jimin dream t of three children, two boys and a girl, running around their father, laughing , giggling, hiding behind Jimin.

A beautiful yet unattainable dream.


The chapter was so fluffy

i am sorry for not updating for a while, bear with me :">

Love you my angels!

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