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Jimin's POV
It looks the same
Yet feels different

I duck my head behind Taehyung's arms as we walk outside the airport.

I am back here, back to the place from where i ran away.

Tae holds me close in a protective way as the photographers and reporters surround us at the airport. I cling to his arm shivering from the anxiety that gobbles me, even though the weather is considerably warmer than the Vampire land, though Japan is considered to be one of the cold countries, due to the excessive population of wolves, the country feels warm as compared to U.S.A.

I don't want my pictures to be seen in those newspapers or the social networking sites, what if someone recognizes me? i have worn a mask on my face and a black bucket hat to hide my face but still, i feel someone might recognize me. I shouldn't have come here in the fist place, a sane person won't come back to place they ran away from, but i did, somehow even when my mind told me to not go, i wanted to visit this place one last time before forever leaving it.

When we sit in the black Lamborghini Tae takes my hand in his and kisses my cheek softly, he looks me in the eye as if trying to tell me that everything will be ok and i should not be scared.

I place my lips softly on his, reassuring him that i am fine, his arms wrap around my waist pulling me towards him, i make myself comfortable on his lap and kiss him again, with more passion, he growls as he bites my lower lips sucking it as his hands frantically work the belt of my skinny tight jeans.
I lay exhausted beside Tae who pulls his pants up and helps me with mine as the car stops near a large mansion. I remember the Mansion vaguely, only seen it on newspapers and once visited it when i was younger. When Jeongguk and i were friends, before he lost his mind and started avoiding me, and insulting me . It was called the Purple House.

I step out staring at the big mansion mesmerized by its beauty walking towards it not noticing Tae walking behind me, he takes my hand roughly and pulls me back to his side, walking fast towards the Mansion. I come back to reality and put on my sunglasses and my mask, Its early morning here, while it was night time back home.

Home, yes i just called my Apartment in Chicago Home, where i am surrounded by Vampires who if they find out who i am will kill me, funnily enough if someone finds out who i am here the wolves will kill me too, i guess i am not safe at both side, not even from Tae, and yet i stick to him, i must be insane to think he is safer than the two worlds who wouldn't give a second thought before killing me.

We walk inside the mansion just to be stopped by a butler who tells us that the "Young master" will not be able to greet us now but will meet us at the Party. Tae told me before hand that we will be staying here for three days, one for his birthday, second for the meetings and the third for new year party. I still don't understand why we came here for his birthday though, but after asking him so many times and also refusing to go with him i gave up and came here with him.

The room is large, but not as large as Tae's room, a place i have visited many times for reasons that make me blush and my stomach tighten. I sit on the corner of the king size bed looking around the blue painted ceilings while my luggage is kept in the big wardrobes by the bellboys.

Tae tells me he needs to meet someone urgently and leaves me alone in the large room. I walk around a bit before i get bored and start rummaging though our luggage. I smile as i open Tae's suitcase and his scent hits my nostrils, i pick up one of his ironed shirts and smell his scent making me a bit drowsy, i bite my lip as i pick up his suitcase and dump it on the bed letting all his clothes fall out, i throw the bag aside and dive in the bundle of clothes , his scent surrounding me making me feel happier and sated.

My heat must be near. I giggle at the thought of allowing Tae to help me with my heat just like that one time, our first time . We have had sex a lot of times, sometimes at my place, or at his and sometimes at my dance studio, but everytime I have my heat suppressants that's why Tae has experienced my heat only once, but does he even know about my heats? No he doesn't he still thinks of me as a normal male Vampire.

I snuggle a bit more in the bed tugging his clothes closer as I think about it, I fainted back then so I don't remember what happened, I do remember how scared I was to even look at him the day after, thinking about the consequences for sleeping with a Vampire, and here I am, drowning myself in his scent from his clothes.

I strip myself naked and take a shower first, and wear his white shirt, it smells just like him, musk and honey, so warm and safe.

Tonight I want him to help me with my heat, well of course he will have to use protection, I need to still think about him fucking me raw, but at least this time when he makes love to me I will be wide awake.

I wait for him while I make myself comfortable in my nest created by his clothes.


What do you think is going to happen now?
Also, you guys did read last chapter right? Where V says he might not be Jimin's soulmate..... Then who could it be?(⊙_⊙)

Thanks for reading

Stay safe and healthy everyone

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