Hidden Society

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Kim Taehyung's POV

Jimin was still asleep, his face buried in my neck breathing in my scent, he looked peaceful, yet so sick, his lips wear bluish black while his skin was paler than normal, his breathing is uneven , and his skin feels cold. I place my lips on his forehead and whisper, 'I am sorry Jimin, this is all my fault', i could feel my eyes become moist from the tears that blind my eyesight, i kiss his forehead and just close my eyes and bury my face in his neck.

We reach a small house and get out of the car, it looks like any other normal house from the outside, from the blue paint to the fresh flowers growing in the garden in front of it, it looks like the kind of home i would want to live in with Jimin as my mate.

She rings the bell of the house, and we wait outside for someone to open it.

A tall young man with dark brown hair opens the door, his scent fills my nose making me stop in my steps, everyone gets inside the house while i stand there, in the doorway staring at the man.

'You are a Hybrid? '

The man smiles at me and answers, 'Yes, now please get in before someone sees you'.

I walk inside the house still shocked.

The living room looks normal, grey carpet covers every inch of the floor while the couches are placed at one corner, a Flat screen T.V is placed in front of the white couches.

The girl then walks towards the middle of the room sits down and rips opens the carpet only to reveal a door below it, she opens the door she looks at us and says, 'follow me'.

Its a staircase, i hold my sleeping Jimin tightly and cautiously walk down the staircase, down the stairs it looks like a rusty basement, in the corner of the rusty basement, is another door, it looks like lift door, the small woman opens the the door and waits for all of us to get inside the lift, she closes the door, and clicks on some button in the corner, just like that, it feels like we are free falling, Hoseok screams and wraps his arms around Yoongi who is scared but does not show it, the Hybrid man and the short dark skinned woman look like they go through this procedure almost everyday!

And then the lift stops and the door opens, i walk outside only to be greeted with a beautiful sight in front of me, above me, stars were glimmering and the ground was covered in synthetic grass, it was a man made city , there is some kind of material which projected stars above, while in reality it was a really large dome, there were buildings and cars moving around, it looks like a small futuristic city that you see in old human story books with people walking around, laughing, some are Vampires, while some are Wolves, and some are hybrids.

'Welcome Kim Taehyung, we had been waiting, your father sir Kim Namjoon told us about you, i am Kai, and she is my mate Sarah', the Hybrid man and the woman bow down to me out of respect, i try to bow but stop when i hear small whimpers coming out from Jimin's mouth.

'I would have asked you about this place, but i am really scared for Jimin, what is happening to him?', i ask them.

We reach a hospital, which looks much better than any of the hospitals that i have seen on land, we take him in and i lay him down on a bed in the CASUALTY room , some nurses gather around him and make him wear a hospital gown, a male doctor then checks his pulse and proceeds with injecting something in Jimin through a syringe, he whimpers loudly and then goes back to sleep, the male doctor walks up to us and says, 'Who mated with this Omega?',

'The man who did isn't present hear, but we are, what happened?' asks Yoongi.

'What is happening to the Omega-'

'Its Jimin', i correct him.

'-is very rare, at least in this generation it is, this was very common in the old days, but not now',

'What was common?'

'in the old days Omegas had free will to fall in love with whoever they wanted, and would marry that certain someone, but sometimes, they were forced to mate someone else, back then if you forced an Omega to mate you but they love someone else, their body try to reject the bite, this is why the whole rule of Omegas being chosen by Alphas was created , because many times Omegas would fall in love with Vampires or Betas who were infertile and no use to society for breeding, now as you can see, Jimin's body is rejecting the bite,in normal circumstances he should have died by now like most Omegas do, but this, this is stronger, it seems like he has a soul bond with someone, i have given him strong pain killers for now, but that won't help, the rejection from his body can lead to death'

'W-What should we do' i stutter.

'The best option right now would be for his soulmate to mate with him, its the only way his body will be sated'

Yoongi looks at me, 'Do it Taehyung '

'Are you out of your mind? He doesn't have a soul bond with me, its impossible, i am a Hybrid, hybrids don't have soul bonds, and also, me and jimin and me have had sex many times, but he never got pregnant, and you know the first rule of mating in Vampires, they need to impregnate their mate ', i shout

'We do, i know you will say Soul bond is a Vampire thing, and we aren't Vampires, but, we are a mix of Wolf and Vampire, its possible', says Kai.

' stop giving such excuses, Jiminy was on birth control, even if you wanted you couldn't get him pregnant, and Come on Tae, are you This Dense?? I knew you and Jimin had some kind of connection since the day you came home to ask me for that plant, remember? You loved the scent so much while in reality he was taking scent suppressants, no one could smell him, but you could', Yoongi blabbered, he looked like an angry cat shouting.

I closed my eyes, then said, 'Okay, i will do it, i will mark him'.


Not happy with this chapter

Also, i have noticed there are a lot of syntactical errors in my story, i can't construct good english sentences??

At this point i don't even know what i am talking about.

Happy Hobi day everyone!!!

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