...A plan

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Kim Taehyung's POV

'I love him hyung', for the first time since i met him in the room i hear a quiver in his voice, he drops down on his knees and says, 'I know you do too, i understand that Jimin is lovable, but have you thought about the circumstances of your decision ?', he asks.

'I don't care, Jimin said yes to me-'

'You forced him Hyung, i saw it all last night, the way you blackmailed him into marrying you when he clearly didn't want to', his voice back to being its usual self, confident and breathy.

'You were drunk last night, you made him say yes over a death box, and even if you did marry who would except this kind of relationship? They will force you to see Jimin get raped while he sees you burning alive, they would want to set an example for the people to remind them to never do such a mistake, just like they did in old times and-'

'NO' i growl in his face, pulling him up by his neck, choking him in the process, he might have gotten stronger and yet, hearing Jimin and rape in the same sentence makes my body fuel with rage. 'We will run away i have it all planned, i won't let anything happen to my Jimin', i growl, i could feel my teeth getting longer and sharper, he is mine, my Jimin, the delicate flower that i will protect even if i have to sacrifice my own life.

He places his hand on mine squeezing it so hard it makes me scream, with the other hand he punches me right below the ribs, making me loose balance and fall on the ground spitting blood.

'Every island on this planet is under surveillance, where will you run away? And how will you protect him? ', he laughs his voice echoing in the room.

' leave him here, with me' , he said as he crouched beside me smirking

What did he just say? Me? Leaving my Jimin here? The place that gave him sadness?

'Stop thinking you dumb ass, he needs me, not you, have you thought about the future? What would happen to him after you both run away? He will be lonely, away from society, living in hiding, but with me, he will be able to live fully, have friends, think, he doesn't have to run away, and Alpha marrying an Omega, a mated omega is treated like a royal, he would be treated like a prince, no hiding from anyone,' he whispers' in my ears, and for the first time, i actually think, i imagine a life where Jimin is staying here, with Jeongguk, happy with his surroundings, enjoying the attention and respect that he will get as the mate of an Alpha werewolf ( who is a hybrid but no one has to know) that he can never get from me, falling in love with Jeongguk, getting marked by him , being full with his young.

And yet while i imagine all this, i remember the times he was happy with me, our first time, when i helped him during his heat, our first date after that, the way his eyes used to sparkle when he would talk to me about his day, his cute giggles.

'He loves me Jeongguk, you can't just force him to be with you, he said yes to me because he wanted to-'

'That's not what i saw last night', he cuts in.

'He never said he didn't love me, he said we couldn't be together because people wont agree to our relationship, he was scared of the outcomes of being mated with me, how it would affect us, but never did he say he does not love me, so you can try as hard as you want, kill me if you want in this room , and yet Jimin will forever love me ', I growl, spitting more blood, and push myself to stand up.

He rolls his silver eyes and smirks ,' well, i wasn't going to kill you but-', and just like that i feel something pierce my neck he grins devilishly, 'What the fuck did you do to me Jeongguk?!' i scream, i feel my legs giving up on me, my whole body going numb, i fall face down on the floor, while he just looks at me as he stands above me,'Just put you in a deep sleep, so that by the time you get up, Jimin will be already mine', My eyes become cloudy as i start to loose consciousness slowly.

The last thing i see is a man with mint green hair , staring at me.

And then i close my eyes.

Sorry for the short chapter thanks for reading...

Love you my readers, be healthy and happy!

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