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Jimin's POV

I screamed, the pain just did not stop, i felt Jeongguk's weight being pulled away from me, and large familiar arms held my body, pulling me towards them, i wrapped my arms around the man and buried my face in the strong comforting scent. My vision was cloudy, i closed my eyes and drift off to sleep.

Bright sunshine falls on my face delicately as i get up from the bed of grass, i could hear birds singing and see raindrops decorated on flower petals.

Am i in Heaven?

'Jimin? I missed you', I turn my head towards the owner of the voice, among st the tall trees, i see a beautiful woman standing with her arms open, her brown eyes sparkle in the light, and her mouth curves upwards as she sees me waiting for my reaction.

'Eomma? ', i shout happily as i run towards her and envelope my arms around her, i hadn't felt her warmth since .. a long time, last i saw her was when i was six years old and she left with Appa during the invasion of rogue Vampires, she died trying to save our world, along with Appa. I feel her soft warm lips on my forehead, i missed her calming scent.

'Lets take a stroll in the forest Jiminy, lets talk', she says, she holds my hand in hers and we start walking, she looks the same, her long black hair fell to her waist in beautiful knots and curls, she wore a knee length full sleeved blue dress while i wore a soft pink sweater and white trousers, both our feet bare, walking through the forest.

'Are we in heaven Eomma?', i ask her, 'No baby, we are in your dreams ,your happy place', she answers with a smile, i feel a sharp pain go through my spine making me halt in my steps and fall on my knees, i feel my mother kneel on the grass and squeeze my hand, 'Bare it, bare the pain, don't give up, get up, we need to walk', i get up, stumbling on my own two feet, and start walking, i don't ask her where we are going, we just keep walking.

'So, do you love Kim Taehyung?', my mom asks me as she plucks a flower and places it between my ear and hair, 'Yes Eomma , i love him alot', the pain in my spine keeps growing as i say that, my neck burns because of the pain but i keep a straight face in front of my mother.

'you see that spider on the tree ', she points towards a spider trying to create a web on the tree, its web keeps breaking, but it doesn't give up, it keeps on repeating the process over and over again until it creates a web successfully, 'Yes Eomma',

'You were always like that spider, you never gave up no matter what', Another sting goes through my body, making me collapse on the ground, i keep my hold on my mother's arm tight as i get up and spit out some blood and keep walking, She doesn't say much to me, just keeps walking ahead of me, almost to the point where i feel her dragging me, i can feel blood trickling down my nose and fall down again, i shout in pain, but my mother does not stop, she tries to pull me up, telling me i can't give up, 'Get through the pain my sweet Jiminy , don't let it overcome you', at one point when i fall down again, 'We need to keep walking son, don't let it overcome you'.

I take small breaths, feeling my nostrils burn with each breath, my mother holds my hand painfully tight, 'It hurts Eomma', I whimper.

'I know baby, it will hurt, this is part of life, you can never accomplish anything without suffering, don't surrender yourself to the pain, keep walking with me, i need to show you the whole forest', she giggled, dragging me, as she holds my hand, her nails digging in my palm.

We reach a door, she hugs me and whispers, 'Its time to wake up, and don't let the pain take over you, my Omega Child'.

I open the door only to be greeted by a blinding white light.


I wake up screaming, my whole body feels like its burning as if i am buried under hot iron.

'Baby its me, your Tae-Tae', I see the silver haired man hovering above me, the surrounding blur as i stare in his purple glowing eyes, i cry softly, 'make the burning stop Tae'.

His cold lips touch my hot ones while his arms frantically roam all over my body, my legs wrap around his hips as feel his length inside me, my warm slick helping him get inside me completely, its almost unbearable, the pain on my neck keeps increasing, with each thrust it feels like knives are piercing my neck, there is no feeling of pleasure just pain, he increases his pace and looks in my eyes, i can see my reflection in them, i look dead, my skin looks pale and lips are a sick blue color, my once puffy cheeks look sunken, my body was fighting against the mating bite, but it couldn't take it anymore, the burn is too much to handle.

'I love you Jimin', says Tae, his voice raspy, as he leans down and kisses my neck, the place where Jeongguk bit me, i feel Tae's knot inside me while his teeth tear the skin delicately on my neck.

But this time i don't scream, just close my eyes and feel the burning sensation recede, my legs go limp around his hips and my hands loosen their grip on his shoulder.

It was over, the pain was finally over.

'I love you too Taehyung'

I feel his lips on mine before drifting off to sleep.

This time i see no dreams, just feel warm large hands wrap around me, protecting me.


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