The tale of the two brothers pt1

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Once upon a time not so long ago there lived a sweet Alpha werewolf and a geeky Vampire.

Unlike most wolves this Alpha was more considerate and open minded to the wolf world, he wanted all ranks to be treated equal, and never had any kind of hatred towards Vampires even when they had a 'weird stink'.

Everyone in the wolf world knew this pure side of the handsome Alpha wolf. Though they did not know one small dark secret, he was in love with a Vampire. 

Not just any vampire but the King of all.

It was love at first sight, he had a crush on the Vampire since the day he turned four years old, he had fallen in love with him the day he saw him coming out of his jet with his father.

The Alpha would always steal glances at the small Vampire.

While his and the Vampire's parents would talk about the political issues, about the treaty, how to strengthen the border so no one can cross the boundaries, they never knew about their sons crossing every type of boundary in existence.

The Vampire was only twelve when he hacked into the government system. His reason to do this was so he could connect to his alpha and talk to him through internet chats and phone calls.

Every year they would meet and their love towards each other grew gradually.

At the age of fourteen the Alpha experienced his first kiss with the Vampire. He wanted to be even more intimate, but the Vampire wanted to wait.

The Vampire believed in happily ever afters and wanted that for his Alpha.

It was after the age of sixteen that the Alpha Wolf faced separation from his Vampire.

The day on his sixteenth birthday when he was claimed as an Alpha he cried, he never wanted to be an Alpha but an omega, so when his father would disown him then he will fake his death and run away with his Vampire where no one will be able to find them.

For two long years there was no communication between them, it felt like death for both the Vampire and the Alpha.

Alphas and Betas are considered to be less fertile than omegas, the Alphas and Betas who are fertile go through random heats unlike Omegas who have to go through it almost every month.

This Alpha when ever would go through heats he would not allow himself to take the suppressants, if anything he loved the pain.

He didn't want to feel sated by the suppressants, all he ever wanted for those two years was his Vampire to satisfy him, he would scream and cry but never allow himself to feel sated.

Just like any other Alpha he was considered to be strong, with his wide shoulders and narrow waist he was considered to be the most handsome Alpha, and he never denied it, he also never denied it when some of his Alpha friends started to tease him saying he was in a secret relationship with someone.

The Vampire in the meantime took this as an opportunity to gain respect from his people so when he marries his Alpha no one would question him.

Or atleast that is what he thought.

The time came when the Vampire and the Alpha met again.

This time it was different though, for the very first time in the Vampire's life he felt the bond. The bond that only some Vampires know about, the bond that is considered a myth amongst both the communities the Vampires and the Werewolves.

A bond that would make the rather "Stinky dirty smell" into a beautiful and attractive scent.

In the beginning Omega wolves were kept away even from Vampires because they didn't smell like other wolves. 

But was the case similar for Alphas and Betas? No it wasn't,  then why did he, his Alpha smell so delicious? He had concluded that it was because of the bond which made him even more adamant in mating with his Alpha.

One night during their yearly meetings , when the Alpha and the Vampire's parents were sleeping soundly in the Purple House, or the Mansion where both the parties would meet every year for discussion about their worlds, the Alpha sneakily tip toed towards his Vampire's room.

His heat was near,  and this time he did not want to deal with it alone.

That night the boys drowned themselves in each other's scents.

They had waited too long to be this close, and now they didn't want to leave.
The soft cushion pink lips of the Alpha urged the Vampire even more to mark him, to make him his, So every other Vampire and Wolf in existence would know who the Alpha belonged to.

Bites and marks painted their bodies, good thing the mansion was sound proof or everyone  existing on the planet would have heard the growls and moans coming out of the mouths of the young boys in love.

This went on for a few years, no body ever got to know about it. Not even their parents.

The Vampire was crowned as the King of his world while the Alpha was made the President of his world.

Now they both knew that running away could not be an option, both of them had a responsibility towards their people so with a heavy heart they thought of sacrificing their love for the good of their people.

One night the Alpha felt something moving inside him, at first he thought he was just sick, but in the next few weeks he noticed something growing inside him, and that was not natural.

It didn't take time for the Alpha to discover that he was pregnant with twins, hybrid twins.

He tried to abort the hybrids but it was just not possible, they were too strong and were growing fast.

When He called his Vampire to tell him about this, the Vampire thought it wasa sick joke, but when he saw the picture of the growing belly of his Alpha he knew he had to do something to protect his love and his soon-to-be-born children.

And running away was not the answer.

The Alpha gave birth  in a cave on a thundering night, and thankfully no one found him, and even if some one had his Vampire would have killed them.
While the alpha slept by the Vampire's side with both their sons between them the Vampire knew he couldn't tell anyone about this, it had to be a secret, and he knew what to do to keep that secret.

The next morning when The alpha woke up he found himself alone, with only one of his babies by his side. 

So how was it? If you have any questions you can ask, I know my way of writing is not self explanatory 😅💜.
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