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one day ago

third person pov

Jeongguk grinned watching the TV, his plan was working, everyone was in search of the evil Vampire, and the innocent little Omega Wolf.

'This was your plan from the beggining wasn't it?', Jin grumbled, as he struggled with the handcuffs, Jeongguk had bound him to one of the legs his desk so that he won't run away and also for punishment, he had helped his asshole brother in escaping with his soon to be mate.

'What this? NO dad, never, circumstances forced me to take this step'.

'Not that, this', Jin said as he looked down on the desk over the many blueprints and maps of Omega Houses, 'You wanted to release Omega houses not because you wanted to give them equal rights but because you wanted Jimin to see you as some knight in shining armour? isn't it?'

'Now that is correct, I wanted him to see me as his prince charming but before that could happen he ran away and met that cold blooded shit, but nevermind i bit him, mated him, no matter how much he struggles he will be mine, or die, its up to him really'.

'A true Jeon, you might not have born from that monster, but you are him, pride comes before love and respect to you, well anyways, even if he dies, he will have the satisfaction that he died in the hands of his lover and not some chycho man who claims he loves him '

'Call me whatever you want, atleast i am not a weak KIM, i still doubt if you are an alpha', he smirked at his father, and turned back to the tv.

'And dad, i don't worry about him, he won't die so fast, before he does, all of these people will find him for me, and if not, i have Yoongi, he will lead me to Jimin'

Hoseok's pov

present Day


I opened my eyes to see soft blue kitten eyes staring back at me.

'Hi', i say to him seeing his gummy smile plastered on his face.

Yoongi doesn't show emotions , not to people he doesn't know atleast, in middle school i used to think he was arrogant and rude, but later on over time, i found out he is just a shy fluff ball who likes getting pampered by his boyfriend a.k.a me, and once someone cracks his shell, he is one of the loudest baby boy ever! Back home whenever we used to be alone he loved singing loudly even if his voice cracked, we both had a thing for music, whenever we got time, we would put on the radio and sing whatever song played on it, we didnt care if we sang it correctly or not. When i was kidnapped and kept in that god aweful room all i could think about was him, when i saw Taehyung and when he told me what Yoongi did to him i kind of knew why, Yoongi and me always thought of Taehyung as our younger brother, whom we need to protect, so ofcourse when i heard that Yoongi was responsible for what happened to Taehyung i knew he was blackmailed, he would never hurt Taehyung, until his mate's life is at stake.

'How are you feeling today?'

'Same, headache and stomach pain', he mumbled in my chest.

This wasn't good, its been almost a month since we came here, and since then he had stomach ache , i had wanted to tell taehyung about it, so we could get the nesseccary ingredients to lessen down the pain, but Yoongi stopped me ,he said already everyone was worried about Jimin's health, us troubling them for a stupid stomach ache won't be right on our part.

'We have got to check what has happened to you '
Short Chapter sorry

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