Its a relief i am an Alpha

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third person pov

whip!! whip!!

'please stop! He is your son!!'

'well he doesn't behave like one'.

Jin tried to cover his sons body by his own trying to protect him from his father Jeon Jinsung , he pulled him out of the way and whacked his ten year old son again, no mercy could be seen in his eyes, just boiling anger.

'Please just stop it, he will never such things again, he is just a small boy Jinsung!', Jin cried, trying to convince him to stop, which he didn't listen.

The dark haired boy lay on the ground bruised as his father hit his back again , it hurt so bad, he could feel the blood seeping out from his cracked skin and yet there was not one drop of tear in his eyes, he bared the pain, this was normal for him, to get beaten up by his father that is, not Kim Seokjin, the other one the one whom he called 'asshole'. He never called him father, on his face he would call him Jinsung sir, while behind his back he would curse him the way no ten year old boy does, Jinsung never hit him on the face, didn't want anyone to see what he does to his child at home, he had a reputation to hold in public.

Jeongguk gets beaten up by Jinsung almost everyday, on any small mistake that Jeongguk Jinsung would whip out his belt and whack him with it until he faints, today was one of such days that Gukkie once again committed a mistake  , Jeongguk went home after school and said to his father,'I want to be an Omega when i grow up, a friend of mine has an Omega mother and i want to be just like a her dad, she is so sweet and caring, i wanna be like her, i will have children, and cook and clean the house , it would be so nice right?'

'He is innocent! He doesnt know what he is saying! Please stop you are killing him!', Jin screamed in desperation, he is an Alpha too, but he isn't as strong as Jinsung, he hates that fact though, if only he was, he could have been able to protect his child.

Get out of my way Jin!' He says as he pushes him away from his ten year old son , he walks towards the whimpering boy and says ' sorry dumbass, but you are an Alpha, Jin got your DNA tested and found out you are an Alpha, i don't even understand why do these stupid schools have such stupid norms of getting their DNA tested when they are sixteen, they should get it tested at birth, and be separated from all the other ranks and unite them with their own, only then will these boys understand what a great feeling it is to be an ALPHA , to be at the top!'

'But i don't want to be at the top-', Guk squeaked.

Guk felt a sting on his right cheek as his father slapped him and could feel some blood trickling down from his lower lip, by now he was already feeling dizzy due to excessive blood loss, but he did not show that, he just lay on the ground his face touching the floor not wanting to get up.

At last at some point, he stopped, he left him with Jin who kept crying all the time, and dragged his sweet ggukie in the bathroom to wash all his wounds, he had fainted in Jin's arms, who now was crying hysterically , he hands kept shaking as he applied ointment at the injured places as he tried to wake up his precious "bunny baby" , somewhere in between the cleaning he gained consciousness but kept quite, hearing Jin, the one whome he considered as his father, crying hurt his heart.

'Dad? Am i really an Alpha?', his Doe eyes going wide as he questions his father.

'Yes son', Jin says while he scrubs his wounds clean.

'does that mean, i will always have to be bad and arrogant like that asshole?'

'you can be sweet like me son', Jin says giving a weak smile to his "bunny baby".

Guk looked in Jin's warm hazel eyes, he sometimes felt lucky to have a faher like him, and never understood how he fell for that asshole, Jin is so beautiful he could have married anyone, but why him? But he didn't want to think about that now, no, he had to anwer his father, Jin.

'Yes dad, and i will be, the most caring , and strong Alpha'.

As he started growing up he forgot what he had promised to his father, and due to that, he had lost his soulmate .

does anyone know about the webtoon TRUE BEAUTY i love it, i was thinking of writing a Yoonmin story inspired by that story line

Also, stay happy everyone, as someone said, these sad days shall pass,so just hold on to your life(^ω^)

And if you like my chapter comment and Vote!!!

I like to write flashbacks of characters to build up the story.... Is it good?

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