A little bit about Kai and Sarah

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Third person pov

Everyone in the wolf world were looking for the hybrid Kim Taehyung, the former vampire prince and CEO of a synthetic blood making company, and Park Jimin, an omega who was tricked by the hybrid in falling in love with him while he is the mate of Jeon Jeongguk, the prince of the wolf world.

What they didn't know that both of them were having the time of their lives hidden underground from the rest of the world.

It had been a few weeks since Park Jimin was mated by Kim Taehyung. Which had only made them both fall for each other more.

In the wolf world, a mating bite meant you had claimed the one you had bitten, Kim Taehyung being a hybrid found out that after mating with Jimin, his love for him had multiplied, it felt like rather than claiming him, he was been claimed.

And he felt nice about that, he felt nice to belong to someone, someone named Jimin, his fairy.

After mating him, Jimin was in a slumber for almost a day, with Taehyung by his side, feeding him fruits by giving him small bites of it and helping him gulp it down his throat. After Jimin woke up, He and Taehyung were shifted from the hospital to a house that Kai claimed to be Kim Namjoon's home, it wasn't big or fancy, but it was cozy and felt like home for Taehyung.

Yoongi and Hoseok, being the curious cats, requested Kai for different blood samples from the hospital, they were excited to study about the anatomy of different hybrids.

Jimin and Taehyung had a lot of questions to ask them both like how Sarah had survived the attack, what was this place called? How was Kai born? How did hybrids find this place?

Sarah would have died had Kai not found her their, he had come out in the forests for strolling, he liked a good walk at night, being a hybrid, and a Beta wolf at that, he was pretty safe in the wolf world. He already had a fake Id had anyone asked him who he was. That night when he found Sarah he felt a certain pull towards her, and so when the Alpha wolves left her dying he carried her here, at first Sarah was scared, with all the stories she had heard about Hybrids she thought Kai and the others were going to eat her, but after some time , after her assumptions about the Hybrids were proven wrong , she adjusted to this place, Smeraldo, a place non existent just like the flower but only to be found by the people in need of it.

The Smeraldo Project, started by Kim Namjoon for the safety of all hybrids, and some Wolves and Vampires who accepted Hybrids as their own around the world, well, there were still many hybrids around the world who were hiding and trying to blend in with the society, these people were found by the protectors of Smeraldo and brought here.

Kai didn't know who gave birth to him, just that when he was a child a kind heart lady had taken him under her wing, she was an Omega prostitute who lived in a brothel, she and every one at the brothel showered Kai with love, they sent him to school, took care of his needs and never let him feel any kind of pain, he loved his adopted mother and everyone at the Brothel, but he always knew he was different, their scent always made him hungry, as a child he used to bite his mom all the time and she always thought he was just hungry and would give him meat to eat, he was twelve when his mother found him eating one of her clients, and all he did was grin at her showing him his bloody teeth, his mother loved him too much to abandon him, so she stopped sending Kai to school and kept him locked in his room, she would give him wolf meat from time to time, and release him from his room only once a month, Kai never went to school after that, no teacher from his school asked for him, no one liked to go to a brothel anyways, Kai at first felt bad that his teachers weren't concerned about him, but he didn't ponder on it, instead whenever he was allowed to leave his room he would love to go to the forest, he lived in Australia back then, and one day during his outings, he caught a strange scent, it was strange, because it didn't make him feel hungry, he followed the scent to find it vanish in a telephone booth which was located in the middle of the forest, which looked more like a closed box with an old design telephone placed in front, after that day, he would always go back to that place to find out more about the scent, he found some people going inside the booth, and not come out of it, when he would go inside the booth to check if they were still their he would not find anyone. One day he stopped a man who was walking towards the booth and said, 'You smell different, you don't smell like food to me', had it been someone else, they might have thought of Kai as some psycho wolf, Kai then would have told them it was just a prank and he was just a normal wolf, but that was not what happened.

The man smiled at him , and said, 'is that so, come with me, will see what we can do about that'.

After that day, Kai's life changed drastically, he found out that there were more people like him.

When he went back home to his mother, he told her he was leaving her, said he had found his people, and if she wanted she could come with him to wherever he was going. How could she leave her adorable fourteen year old baby, so she followed him.

And now they were here, in Tokyo, Japan.


i have been chewing this fic since September!! I should wrap it up now, i have the ending ready but i just don't know how to reach it, i don't want to rush the story, it will take more ten chapters before this story finishes, and i don't have enough time to write it T^T

thanks for listening to me rant ...... i have so many other BTS fic ideas that i want to write about TOT

I wrote this chapter in half an hour....sorry for the mistakes

Love you my readers, if you wanna talk about anything, your problems or something like that, i am there for you guys, i am not be good at giving advises but atleast you will feel like there is someone you can talk to. :)

Sorry for being emo :')

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